To start, place the slides with the immunohistochemically stained endometrial sections on the slide rack of a panoramic pathological image scanner. Then, place the rack in the instrument's slide scanning compartment to initiate scanning. Once scanning is complete, launch the image analysis software and create a new folder.
Import the images that require analysis. To build a tissue classifier, mark several tissues along with a blank annotation to establish a classifier that identifies the tissue and blank areas. Use realtime tuning to observe the software's recognition capacity during the mark annotation.
To build an analysis algorithm, select the standard multiplex IHC algorithm in the software and choose the negative and positive pixels to set the color parameters of cell recognition. Establish the parameters of the nucleus, cytoplasm, and cell membrane until the optimal parameters for the image are found. Now, set the positive cell recognition threshold and optimize it until an appropriate threshold is obtained.
Next, select the tissue classifier in the algorithm. Check the tissue part within it to identify cells based on tissues. Select the analysis area and then use the established algorithm to analyze the images.
Once the analysis is complete, manually check the accuracy of tissue recognition, negative and positive recognition. If the image recognition is inaccurate, adjust the algorithm and parameter thresholds again. Run the image analysis until it is successful.
Then, export the results of the analysis. Set the different analysis parameters according to the expression of different endometrial immune markers. Use the software to calculate the proportion of endometrial immune cells.
Following calculation, use the values to assess the levels of various immune cells in the endometrium of patients with recurrent miscarriage. Different immune cells were immunohistochemically stained based on their individual expression of different markers. The brown stain represents the positive immune cells and the blue represents the nucleus.
Different immune cells were expressed in women with recurrent miscarriages. CD56 cells appear to be predominant at 16.76%with CD1a and Foxp3 cells making up 0.11 to 0.12%of the immune cell population.