To begin, thaw all the sequencing reagents at room temperature for 30 minutes, turn on the sequencer and sign into the system. Seal the 96 well plate containing purified FFPE DNA and RNA samples with a sheet of adhesive PCR plate foil and load it into the sequencer. According to the sequencer instructions, install all consumables in the respective deck.
Inspect tube three of strip two HD for any precipitations. If the tube contains any precipitates, dislodge them by flicking the tube or gently vortexing the strip. Turn strips one and three upside down and back three to four times to remove beads, hold the strips at one end with the strip seal oriented upward.
Then swing the strip downward using a quick centrifugal arm movement and finish by giving a sharp flick of the wrist centrifuge the strips at 300G for 15 seconds. After closing the system, install the sequencing reagents bay doors, and close the door.