To begin, make sure all dissection tools and the working space have been autoclaved and are clean. Place an anesthetized CF-1 mouse on the surgical table. Use a Hamilton syringe to subcutaneously inject 20 microliters of 2 milligrams per milliliter hyaluronidase in PBS.
Weigh the mouse to determine the approximate meloxicam dose and place the animal in an empty cage for a 30-minute recovery. After re-anesthetizing the mouse, make an 8-millimeter incision over the sagittal suture of the skull. Using scissors and forceps, gently remove the fat and connective tissue beneath the skin to expose the levator auris longus or LAL muscle.
With a Hamilton syringe, inject 10 microliters of commercially-sourced DNA into the fascia of the muscle. Position two gold needle electrodes 5 millimeters apart in parallel alignment over the muscle fibers, covering the full length of the LAL muscle. Now, use an electro operator to apply five electrical pulses at 100 volts per centimeter for 20 milliseconds each with a frequency of 1 hertz.
Microscopic examination showed that a high proportion of muscle fibers from the rostral LAL portion were positive for the expression of tandem dimer tomato, confirming efficient in vivo electroporation-mediated gene transfer of LAL muscles.