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In Vitro Generation of Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells from Common Lymphoid Progenitors


To analyze the common lymphoid progenitors, or CLPs, by flow cytometry, next, Fc block the cells with anti-CD16/32 for one to two minutes, followed by simultaneous staining of the cells with the appropriate antibody cocktail.

After 15 minutes on ice, wash the cells in three milliliters of FACS buffer, and resuspend the pellet in 300 microliters of fresh FACS buffer. Then, filter the cell suspension through a 40-micrometer strainer, and immediately sort the cells on a flow cytometer using the appropriate filters and voltages, collecting the cells of interest in a 15-milliliter tube containing 8 milliliters of complete RPMI.

To generate a highly-enriched pDC population, it is crucial to sort out the right population of CLPs from harvested bone marrow cell for the in vitro culture with AC-6 feeder system.

At the end of the sort, spin down the cells, and resuspend the CLP cell pellet with enough complete RPMI to obtain a cell density of about 5 times 10 to the 4th cells per milliliter. Next, seed 500 cells per well into the 12-well plate containing the AC-6 feeder cells, and supplement the co-cultures with 100 nanograms per milliliter FLT3 ligand. Then, incubate the cells at 37 degrees Celsius and 5% carbon dioxide with periodic visual monitoring of the dendritic cell, or DC development, under a microscope.

On day 12, harvest the cells in the co-culture supernatant, and wash each well one time with half a milliliter of complete RPMI medium, pooling the resulting supernatants and washes. Then, add half a milliliter of fresh medium to each well, and use a cell scraper to detach the adherent cells. Combine the detached cells with the floating cells, and centrifuge the resulting cell suspension, resuspending the pellet in 50 microliters of FACS buffer.

Then, count the cells and stain them for CD11c, CD11b, and B220 expression after Fc blocking, as just demonstrated. The co-cultured cells can then be analyzed for the presence of conventional CD11c positive, CD11b positive, B220 negative, and plasmacytoid CD11c positive, CD11b negative, B220 positive DC populations.

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