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Mesenteric Lymph Duct Cannulation in a Rat Model to Harvest Lymph Fluid


Begin with a surgically intervened rat with its abdomen exposed. 

Locate the superior mesenteric lymph duct, lying perpendicular to the right kidney and positioned in front and parallel to the mesenteric artery.

Pass straight forceps through the peri-renal fat bed.

Pull a lymph cannula through the peri-renal fat bed, positioning one end adjacent to the lymph duct and allowing the other end to protrude outside the animal's body.

Next, create a small incision in the lymph duct.

Fill the cannula with an anticoagulant solution and insert it into the lymph duct.

Inside the duct, the lymph fluid contains several biomolecules including clotting factors that trigger a cascade of events leading to clot formation.

However, the anticoagulant binds to the clotting factors, inhibiting their activity.  

This enables unclotted lymph fluid to flow freely through the cannula.

Apply a veterinary adhesive over the entrance hole to secure the cannula in place.

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