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-- views • 1:12 min
Begin with an immobilized butterfly on a platform.
Under a dissecting microscope, insert a reference electrode through the mouthparts to reach the head, and fix the electrode to the platform.
Make a small incision in the cornea and seal it to prevent drying.
Using brief lighting under a stereoscope, position a recording electrode filled with an ionic solution above the cornea.
Then, lower the electrode into the cornea using a micromanipulator to access the photoreceptor cell.
A significant voltage change across the membrane indicates the contact of the electrode with the cell.
Dark-adapt the insect by switching off the external light sources.
Initiate light flashes with a pulse generator and direct a fiber optic cable toward the eye.
Adjust the position of the electrode and fiber optic cable until a depolarizing response is obtained.
Record the cell's responses to white light and colored filters to assess its sensitivity to different light wavelengths.
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