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Take an anesthetized rat with focal epilepsy, characterized by abnormal brain electrical activity.
Secure the rat in a stereotaxic apparatus and administer anesthesia through a nose cone.
Completely remove the head fur to prevent signal interference during electroencephalogram, or EEG recording.
Clean the skin with alcohol and place saline swabs to enhance electrical conductance.
Apply EEG paste to each electrode of a multichannel EEG mini-cap to ensure optimal conductivity between the electrodes and the skin.
Fix the mini-cap on the scalp.
Position the ground and reference electrodes on the ears.
Connect the mini-cap to the amplifier. Visualize the EEG signals to identify loosely connected electrodes and improve their connectivity.
Administer a sedative and stop the anesthetic flow to minimize its interference with brain activity.
Record the EEG and identify the abnormal electrical activity events.
Mark the mini-cap's position on the skin for spatial correlation during subsequent brain imaging.
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