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Genetic Crosses


To dissect genetic processes or create organisms with novel suites of traits, scientists can perform genetic crosses, or the purposeful mating of two organisms. The recombination of parental genetic material in the offspring allows researchers to deduce the functions, interactions, and locations of genes.

This video will examine how genetic crosses were influential in developing Mendel's three laws of inheritance, which form the basis of our understanding of genetics. One genetic crossing technique that was first developed for single-celled organisms such as yeast, known as tetrad analysis, will then be presented in detail, followed by some examples of how this classical tool is used in genetic studies today.


A genetic cross is the purposeful mating of two individuals resulting in the combination of genetic material in the offspring. Crosses can be performed in many model systems—including plants, yeast, flies and mice—and can be used to dissect genetic processes or create organisms with novel traits.

This video will cover some of the principles of genetic crosses, examine one method for performing crosses known as tetrad analysis, and discuss several applications of this technique.

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