First Experimental Animals and Mouse OIR Model Induction
Drug Administration (Optional)
Tissue Collection and Preparation of Retinal Flat Mounts
Results: Rat and Mouse Models of OIR
After its development, the oxygen-induced retinopathy model has become widely used in preclinical studies of neovascular retinal diseases. It has been used as a model to study pathological angiogenesis in response to hypoxia. The main advantage of
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Oxygen-induceret retinopati (OIR) kan bruges til at modellere iskæmiske nethindesygdomme såsom retinopati af prematurity og proliferativ diabetisk retinopati og til at tjene som model for proof-of-concept undersøgelser i evalueringen af antiangiogene lægemidler til neovaskulære sygdomme. OIR fremkalder robust og reproducerbar neovascularisering i nethinden, der kan kvantificeres.