Mistletoes are biodiversity hotspots, as well as parasites that uptake water and nutrients from their host trees. The missile eradicator shown in this protocol, helps to efficiently control the mistletoe spread on the trees. These techniques allows the combining of mechanical and chemical mistletoe control methods, by simultaneous mechanical mistletoe pruning, and targeted dropping of the growth regulator into the stub.
Before the working with the mistletoe eradicator, please check the local environmental regulations, get the permissions for herbicide's use, agree with the local community, and get a basic understanding of mistletoe biology. Before handling the eradicator, ensure that the personal protective equipment complies with the safety rules, and dress on. Before operation, remove the saw cover from the tool, and check the reliability of the connection between all parts of the mistletoe eradicator.
To assemble the mistletoe eradicator, fill the container with the color additive water for the dropping test, to track the flow of the liquid in this protocol. Close the screw plug cap firmly, and twist the pole in the working position, with the sharp surface of the saw blade facing downwards, and the container inverted. ensure that the liquid drops down on the saw blade.
In case of clogging, clean the two millimeter wide nozzle using a fine needle until the clog is removed, and the dropping is restored. Then prepare working solutions by diluting the stock solutions of the plant growth regulators. Prune the mistletoe exophyte foliage before buds development, and after the harvesting of the host trees.
Adjust the length of the telescopic stick to get free access to the attachment point of the mistletoe on the branches, or at the of the stem host tree. Ensure that there are no obstructions in the way of the mistletoe eradicator toward the mistletoe. Next, fill 3/4 of the container with one growth regulator solution, close the screw plug cap firmly, and place the mistletoe eradicator in a non-working position, with the sharp surface of the saw blade upwards, the container downwards, and no liquid dropping.
Stand closer to the tree and place the tool in the working position by twisting the pole. Position the saw at approximately 45 degrees of inclination, in relation to the mistletoe exophyte present in the closest proximity to the host branch. Operate the mistletoe eradicator with both hands, while maintaining a safe distance from others.
Ensure a firm grip on the tool, and prune and exophyte with short sawing movements of the cutting blade. Ensure that the distal end of the saw blade does not touch the neighboring host branches or stem. After pruning, place the mistletoe eradicator in non-working position, and let the air come inside the container through the pore.
Relocate to another exophyte mistletoe, place mistletoe eradicator in working position, and repeat the procedure. After pruning, pile the pruned exophytes between the host trees. Clean the eradicator mechanically, empty and thoroughly wash the container with tap water, and dry it.
Protect the sharp part of the mistletoe eradicator with a saw cover. Discard the disposable protective gloves and respirators in special containers. Thoroughly rinse the reusable cloth, boots, helmets, and eye protection with tap water.
Dry and store separately. The mistletoe eradicator was tested for the treatment of walnut trees infested with Viscom album in the cashmere valley. Exophytes were pruned using the mistletoe eradicator loaded with ethephon or glyphosate as growth regulators.
While distilled water was used as mock control. After nine months of observation, the 2 to 4 centimeter long stubs, treated with 10%ethephon, showed 5%resprouting. And the stubs treated with 10%glyphosate, showed resprouting of 6%While stubs exposed to water as mock control, showed 97%resprouting.
An alternative version of mistletoe eradicator was designed in Ukraine. Pruning of the European mistletoe exophytes, parasitizing the red buckeye tree, was done using a colored solution, mimicking the growth regulator. Demonstrating the simultaneous mechanical and chemical control of mistletoe growth.
The mistletoe eradicator reduces the regrowth of mistletoes after their simultaneous pruning and chemical treatment. And therefore it is a useful tool in the integrated strategy of mistletoe management. This tool can be used for the control of pathogenic leafy mistletoes, such as the European Viscum album, American Phoradendron, Australian Amyema, and others.