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The present protocol describes the NAD(P)H fluorescence lifetime imaging of an explanted murine intestine infected with the natural parasite Heligmosomoides polygyrus, which allows one to investigate metabolic processes both in host and parasite tissues in a spatially resolved manner.
Parasites generally have a negative effect on the health of their host. They represent a huge health burden, as they globally affect the health of the infested human or animal in the long term and, thus, impact agricultural and socio-economic outcomes. However, parasite-driven immune-regulatory effects have been described, with potential therapeutic relevance for autoimmune diseases. While the metabolism in both the host and parasites contributes to their defense and is the basis for nematode survival in the intestine, it has remained largely understudied due to a lack of adequate technologies. We have developed and applied NAD(P)H fluorescence lifetime imaging to explanted murine intestinal tissue during infection with the natural nematode Heligmosomoides polygyrus to study the metabolic processes in both the host and parasites in a spatially resolved manner. The exploitation of the fluorescence lifetime of the co-enzymes nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH), hereafter NAD(P)H, which are preserved across species, depends on their binding status and the binding site on the enzymes catalyzing metabolic processes. Focusing on the most abundantly expressed NAD(P)H-dependent enzymes, the metabolic pathways associated with anaerobic glycolysis, oxidative phosphorylation/aerobic glycolysis, and NOX-based oxidative burst, as a major defense mechanism, were distinguished, and the metabolic crosstalk between the host and parasite during infection was characterized.
Parasitic infections impose a huge burden on human health1,2. A correlation between the rise in autoimmune diseases and the decline in parasitic infections has been observed in industrial countries. It is known that parasites can have beneficial effects by dampening excessive host immune responses. H. polygyrus is a natural parasite found in the intestine in rodents, and this parasite is known to induce immunoregulatory mechanisms that reduce the anti-parasitic immune response of the host via, among other mechanisms, the induction of regulatory T cells (Treg) in the infected host
All the experiments were performed in accordance with the National Animal Protection Guidelines and approved by the German Animal Ethics Committee for the protection of animals (G0176/16 and G0207/19). The protocol describes NAD(P)H fluorescence lifetime imaging data acquisition and data evaluation, which allow one to assess the general metabolic activity and specific metabolic pathways in both the host intestine and the parasites upon infection with the natural murine intestinal nematode, H. polygyrus. For this purpose, female C57BL/6 mice aged 10-12 weeks old were infected with 200 stage 3 larvae (L3). At different time points of the infection, the infected....
Using the current NAD(P)H-FLIM procedure28,29,33 combined with the described phasor analysis method, the metabolic activity and metabolic pathways in healthy and infected duodenums were measured at day 6, day 10, day 12, and day 14 post-infection with the murine intestinal nematode H. polygyrus.
Preserved intestinal tissue viability in the excised duodenum revealed by NAD(P)H-FLI.......
The critical steps within the protocol occur during the preparation and when finding the ROI. Fibers of partially digested food represent a challenge for imaging, mainly due to the endogenous luminescence of the fibers overlapping with the NAD(P)H fluorescence, but also due to their harmonic generation signal. It is of great importance to find ROIs that are free from feces. We aimed to avoid measuring areas containing feces. Washing was avoided because this affects the integrity of the fragile villi and influences the mu.......
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
We thank Robert Günther for their excellent technical support. Financial support from the German Research Council (DFG) under Grant SPP2332 HA2542/12-1 (S.H.), NI1167/7-1 (R.A.N.), HA5354/11-1 (A.E.H.), and RA2544/1-1 (S.R.), under Grant SFB1444, P14 (R.A.N., A.E.H.), under Grant HA5354/8-2 (A.E.H.), and under Grant GRK2046 B4 and B5 (S.H., S.R.) and HA2542/8-1 (S.H.) are greatly acknowledged. W.L. received a PhD fellowship from the Berliner Hochschule für Technik, School of Applied Sciences, Berlin in Medical Physics/Physical Engineering.
....Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
Agarose | Thermo fisher | J32802.22 | ultra pure |
Blunt scissors | FST fine science tools | 14108-09 | blund-blund 14 cm |
Bodipy c12 | thermo fisher | D3822 | 1 mg solid |
Control units, diode, TCSPC | LaVision Biontech | custom | TrimScope II |
DMSO | Thermo fisher | D12345 | 3 mL |
Filters | Chroma | 755 | 466 ± 20, 525 ± 25, 593 ± 20, 655 ± 20 nm |
Foliodrape sheet | Hartmann | 277500 | |
Gloves | Sigma-Aldrich | Z423262 | nitril |
Halogen torch | Leica | This item has been phased out and is no longer available | KL 1500 LCD |
hPMT | Hamamatsu, Germany | H7422 | GaAsP |
Ilastik | Netlify | free Software | Java Backend |
ImageJ | National Institutes of health | free Software | FIJI - standard plugins |
Imspector | LaVision Biontech | - | Vers. 208 |
Intravital stage | LaVision Biontech | custom | TrimScope II |
Lens system 20x | Zeiss | custom | W-plan-apochom 20x Waterimmersion NA 1.05 |
Mercury vapor torch | LaVision Biontech | custom | |
microbrush | Fisher scientific | 22-020-002 | 85 mm |
Microscope | LaVision Biontech | custom | TrimScope II |
Oscilloscope | Rhode & Schwarz | 1326.2000.22 | |
PBS | Sigma-Aldrich | AM9624 | 0.5 L |
Petri dish | Sigma aldrich | P5606 | 40 x 15 mm |
Pipette | thermo fisher | 4651280N | Einkanalpipette |
Pipette tips | thermo fisher | 94056980 | Spitzen mit Filter |
PMT | Hamamatsu, Japan | H7422 | GaAsP |
Python | Python Software foundation | free Software | Anaconda 3.7 Spyder IDE, standard librarys with KYTE |
Sterio microscope | Leica | This item has been phased out and is no longer available | M26, 6.3x zoom |
Ti:Sa LASER CHAMELION ULTRA II | Coherent, APE | - | 690-1080 nm tunable, 80MHz |
Tissueglue | 3M | 51115053603 | 3 mL |
Tweezers | FST fine science tools | 11049-10 | blund, graefe, angeled |
Tweezers | FST fine science tools | 91197-00 | Dumont, curved |
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