Our group focuses on advancing the field of nanoscale functional imaging and spectroscopy to study complex systems with an emphasis on nanoscale infrared spectroscopy. Our research aims to develop methods that allows us to make sense of the behavior of heterogeneous systems by studying their nanoscale properties. Understanding the role of actuations at different frequencies to extract information about the sample is essential.
As this is complicated, developing samples that can be modeled with physics simulation packages is also important. A nanoscale infrared spectroscopy determining the penetration depth of the measurement and understanding how subsurface features affect the signal detected by the AFM tip is very important. This protocol proposes a simple approach to create a model system that enables quantifying the penetration depth of nanoscale infrared spectroscopy, and the effect of JUUL heating on the sample response involved in the measurement of multi-phase polymer materials.
Our team will continue to focus on developing new ideas to improve nanoscale infrared spectroscopy and other nanoscale functional tools to explore real-life systems at a small scale.