In this study we're teaching into high acupuncture can help with Alzheimer's, especially memory issues. We've got some promising results with a technique called thread-embedding that seems to help rats with Alzheimer's like symptoms. Remember better, it could be a promising way to tackle this disease.
Technologies currently used to advance research in this file encompassed advanced imaging techniques like MRI and the PET scans to visualize brain changes, molecular biology tools for genetic and protein expression analysis, and the sophisticated animal models that replicate human AD pathology. The biggest lab hurdles are nailing the mimicry of human Alzheimer's in animals. Making sure discoveries can move to people and keeping competitor methods consistent for reliable results.
This approach seeks to provide less invasive option, potentially delivering a cost effective and accessible methods with reduced that effects. In the future our laboratory aims to explore the molecule mechanisms of acupuncture, evaluate its capability with additional treatments, and assess its safety and efficacy in Alzheimer's patients where clinical trials.