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  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
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Here, we show the imaging protocol for observing biomolecular interactions with photothermal off-resonance tapping (PORT), where we optimized imaging parameters, identified system limits, and investigated potential improvements in imaging three-point-star DNA motif assembly.


High-speed atomic force microscopy (HS-AFM) is a popular molecular imaging technique for visualizing single-molecule biological processes in real-time due to its ability to image under physiological conditions in liquid environments. The photothermal off-resonance tapping (PORT) mode uses a drive laser to oscillate the cantilever in a controlled manner. This direct cantilever actuation is effective in the MHz range. Combined with operating the feedback loop on the time domain force curve rather than the resonant amplitude, PORT enables high-speed imaging at up to ten frames per second with direct control over tip-sample forces. PORT has been shown to enable imaging of delicate assembly dynamics and precise monitoring of patterns formed by biomolecules. Thus far, the technique has been used for a variety of dynamic in vitro studies, including the DNA 3-point-star motif assembly patterns shown in this work. Through a series of experiments, this protocol systematically identifies the optimal imaging parameter settings and ultimate limits of the HS-PORT AFM imaging system and how they affect biomolecular assembly processes. Additionally, it investigates potential undesired thermal effects induced by the drive laser on the sample and surrounding liquid, particularly when the scanning is limited to small areas. These findings provide valuable insights that will drive the advancement of PORT mode's application in studying complex biological systems.


High-speed atomic force microscopy (HS-AFM) is a rapidly growing imaging technique1,2,3,4. It operates at speeds that allow researchers to visualize biomolecular interactions in real time5,6,7,8,9. Photothermal off-resonance tapping (PORT) is an off-resonance imaging mode similar to peak force tapping10,11, pulsed force mo....


1. Sample and buffers

NOTE: The DNA tile used in this study is the 3-point-star motif developed at the Mao laboratory at Purdue University19,25. All oligonucleotides used in this study were purchased from Integrated DNA Technologies, Inc. Gather the necessary materials and reagents.

  1. Mix the single-stranded DNAs (ssDNAs) at a 1:3:3 molar ratio (S1 0.6 µM, 1.8 µM for S2, and 1.8 µM for S3) in the annealing buffer (5 mM TRIS, 1 mM EDTA, and 10 mM MgAc2). The final concentration of the DNA motif must be 0.6 µM (49 ng/µL wi....

Representative Results

In this investigation, the dynamic assembly process of DNA 3-point-star motifs into stable islands was successfully observed utilizing the capabilities of the HS-PORT AFM. This technique allowed us to capture the assembly of these structures in real-time. In Figure 2A,B, we get a clear image scanning at 100 Hz and 200 Hz line rates, respectively, for 100 kHz PORT rate (800 nm by 800 nm scan size). This corresponds to 3.9 and 1.95 oscillation cycles per pixel, respectively. H.......


When imaging delicate biological samples, off-resonance tapping imaging modes in AFM are particularly useful since they can directly control the tip-sample interaction forces10. Among them, the PORT mode stands out due to the higher oscillation rates it can reach, which enables higher scan rates. As PORT directly and only actuates the cantilever with a laser, it allows excitation at much higher frequencies than conventional off-resonance tapping modes, particularly when using ultrashort cantilever.......


The authors have nothing to disclose


The authors thank Raphael Zingg for help programming the Python script for image series processing. GEF acknowledges funding from H2020 - UE Framework Programme for Research & Innovation (2014-2020); ERC-2017-CoG; InCell; Project number 773091. VC acknowledges that this project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 754354. This research was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation through grant 200021_182562.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Biometra Compact XS/SBiometra GmbH846-025-199 Electrophoresis  unit
Biometra TRIOBiometra GmbH207072Xthermocycler for annealing
Custom AFM setupLaboratory for Bio-Nano Instrumentation, Interfaculty Bioengineering Institute, School of Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale LausanneObtainable through Laboratory for Bio-Nano Instrumentation
EDTAITW ReagentsA5097In annealing buffer
Laser Power MeterThorlabsPM100DDigital Handheld Optical Power and Energy Meter Console
Lively 3AP Power Supply, MP-310Major ScienceMP-310Electrophoresis Power Supply
MgAc2ABCR GmbHAB544692In annealing buffer
TBEThermo Scientific327330010Running buffer for electrophoresis
TRISBio-Rad1610719In annealing buffer


  1. Ando, T. High-speed atomic force microscopy and its future prospects. Biophysical Reviews. 10 (2), 285-292 (2017).
  2. Uchihashi, T., Scheuring, S. Applications of high-speed atomic for....

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High Speed Atomic Force MicroscopyHS AFMPhotothermal Off resonance TappingPORT ModeMolecular ImagingBiomolecular AssemblyDNA Three point star MotifImaging ParametersThermal EffectsReal time VisualizationDynamic In Vitro StudiesTip sample ForcesCantilever Actuation

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