We develop physiologically relevant in vitro models to answer mechanistic question in human infections. Our focus is on the host immune response. When we use this model to dissect the complex interaction of the pathogen to the host to identify molecular and cellular targets for therapeutic options in human infections.
Working on a chip model like lung-on-chip model, balanced by logical complexity with specific research needs, offering insights into the human-host response regulation. This system mimic in vivo cellular composition and 3D structure, providing more defined conditions and high throughput than the animal experiments. In lung-on-chip technology, one of the primary challenges is selecting the right cell types that mimics lung's complex functionality for infection study results.
Moreover, extending the timeframe of the experiment beyond traditional in vitro models is crucial. Leveraging is the cheap ability to maintain cell viability with continuous nutrient flow for longer observation, the experiment is also necessary. We developed the microfluidic base model of human alveolus as an effective tool to mimic human alveolar environment.
It was achieved by applying perfusion to mimic blood flow, and also by a mechanical stimulation to the endothelial cells. And also integrating air-liquid interface for the epithelial cells by exposing them to the air. The next step is to extend this model to a more advanced platform, such as induced pluripotent stem cell-based model.
By doing so, we aim to bring personalized medicine closer to application, particularly in the context of antiviral drug testing, and as a tool for biomedical research and pharmaceutical development.