Hideki Makinoshima is a team leader in the Tsuruoka Metabolomics Laboratory, National Cancer Center, at Tsuruoka in Yamagata, Japan. His research program encompasses using cell lines, mice, zebrafish as well as human clinical samples to understand the molecular mechanism controlling cell growth and the metabolic pathways that generate cell components in cancer cells. His long-term career goal is to become a distinguished scientist in the field of cancer metabolism and to develop a new therapy for cancer patients targeting the metabolic pathway in cancer cells.
He conducted the PhD research under the supervision of Dr. Akira Ishihama in the National Institute of Genetics (NIG), Japan. After he had gotten the PhD at Graduate University for Advanced Studies School of Life Science in 2003, he had joined to the laboratory under the supervision of Dr. Michael S. Glickman at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. He studies the pathogenesis of infection through a multidisciplinary approach that includes microbial genetics, biochemistry, molecular biology, lipid biochemistry, and immunology.