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This study describes protocols for nonradiometric methods, a bioluminescent ADP detection assay and a phosphate-affinity SDS-PAGE, to determine the kinase activity of cardiac myosin light chain kinase (cMLCK) and the phosphorylation level of its substrate, myosin regulatory light chain (MLC2v).


Cardiac-specific myosin regulatory light chain kinase (cMLCK) regulates cardiac sarcomere structure and contractility by phosphorylating the ventricular isoform of the myosin regulatory light chain (MLC2v). MLC2v phosphorylation levels are significantly reduced in failing hearts, indicating the clinical importance of assessing the activity of cMLCK and the phosphorylation level of MLC2v to elucidate the pathogenesis of heart failure. This paper describes nonradioactive methods to assess both the activity of cMLCK and MLC2v phosphorylation levels. In vitro kinase reactions are performed using recombinant cMLCK with recombinant calmodulin and MLC2v in the presence of ATP and calcium at 25 °C, which are followed by either a bioluminescent ADP detection assay or a phosphate-affinity SDS-PAGE. In the representative study, the bioluminescent ADP detection assay showed a strict linear increase of the signal at cMLCK concentrations between 1.25 nM to 25 nM. Phosphate-affinity SDS-PAGE also showed a linear increase of phosphorylated MLC2v in the same cMLCK concentration range. Next, the time-dependency of the reactions was examined at the concentration of 5 nM cMLCK. A bioluminescent ADP detection assay showed a linear increase in the signal during 90 min of the reaction. Similarly, phosphate-affinity SDS-PAGE showed a time-dependent increase of phosphorylated MLC2v. The biochemical parameters of cMLCK for MLC2v were determined by a Michaelis-Menten plot using the bioluminescent ADP detection assay. The Vmax was 1.65 ± 0.10 mol/min/mol kinase and the average Km was around 0.5 USA µM at 25 °C. Next, the activity of wild type and the dilated cardiomyopathy-associated p.Pro639Valfs*15 mutant cMLCK were measured. The bioluminescent ADP detection assay and phosphate-affinity SDS-PAGE correctly detected defects in cMLCK activity and MLC2v phosphorylation, respectively. In conclusion, a combination of the bioluminescent ADP detection assay and the phosphate-affinity SDS-PAGE is a simple, accurate, safe, low-cost, and flexible method to measure cMLCK activity and the phosphorylation level of MLC2v.


The cardiac-specific myosin regulatory light chain kinase (cMLCK) encoded by the MYLK3 gene is the kinase predominantly responsible for maintaining the phosphorylation of cardiac ventricular myosin regulatory light chain 2 (MLC2v)1,2. By phosphorylating MLC2v at Ser-15, cMLCK promotes sarcomere organization1 and potentiates cardiac contractility2,3 as a result of increasing cross-bridge formation and therefore an increase in the lever-arm stiffness of myosin II4. Defects in cMLCK activity or redu....


1. Cloning and purification of recombinant wild type and DCM-associated mutant cMLCK

  1. Cloning of recombinant cardiac myosin light chain kinase into plasmid
    1. Design a continuous nucleotide sequence to represent the final plasmid.
    2. Amplify a DNA fragment coding human MYLK3 (NM_1829493.3) using a standard PCR method. The primer sequences are as follows:
      The melting temperature is 60 °C.
      NOTE: The single-stranded overhang sequence (CACC) is necessary to ligate....

Representative Results

The classical method for measuring kinase activity is a radiometric-based assay that quantifies the radiolabeled phosphate incorporated into the kinase substrate. For the method presented here, a nonradioactive, in vitro cMLCK kinase assay using purified wild type cMLCK (Figure 1A), MLC2v, and calmodulin was developed (Figure 1B), and kinase activity was determined using a bioluminescent ADP detection assay. For the experiments used to establish the cMLCK assay,.......


The present study was undertaken to assess whether the combination of nonradioactive methods, the bioluminescent ADP detection assay and the phosphate-affinity SDS-PAGE could successfully be used to determine the activity of cMLCK. It is essential to perform the kinase reactions under the optimal temperature and reaction time. Increasing either of these will rapidly and strongly promote the enzyme reaction. In the present study, the in vitro kinase reaction was performed with 5 nM of cMLCK at 25 °C, which ensured si.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This work was supported in part by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP17K09578 and JP18H04050.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
30% acrylamide/Bis solutionBio-Rad1610156Store at 4℃
acrylamideBio-Rad1610156Store at 4℃
Amicon Ultra-15MerckUFC901008
ammonium persulfateWako019-03435
ampicillin sodiumWako014-23302Store at -20℃
BugBusterMilipore71456-4Store at 4℃
CHAPSDojindo349-04722Store at 4℃
chemiluminescence imaging analyzer TriStar2CBERTHOLD TECHNOLOGIESLB942-A
dithiothreitolWako047-08973Store at -20℃
ECL (Enhanced Chemi Luminescence) reagentGE HealthcareRPN2106Mix reagent 1 and reagent 2 in equal amounts
FBSSigma-Aldrich172012-500MLStore at -20℃
FLAG agaroseMerckA2220Store at -20℃
FLAG peptideMerckF3290-4MGStore at 4℃
GateWay pEF-DEST51 VectorInvitrogen12285011Store at -20℃
Igepal CA-630 (NP40)Sigma-Aldrich13021-500ML
L-(+)-ArabinoseSigma-AldrichA3256-25GStore at -20℃
LAS-4000GE Healthcare28955810
LBMerckWM841485 824
Lipofectamine 2000Invitrogen11668-019
Manganase (II) Chloride TetrahydrateWako134-15302
N, N, N’, N’- tetramethylethylenediaminWako110-18-9
OneShot BL21 AIInvitrogen44-0184Store at -80℃
OptiMEMgibco31985-070Store at 4℃
penicillin streptmycingibco15140-122Store at -20℃
pENTR/D-TOPO Cloning KitInvitrogenK240020Store at -20℃
Phos-tag AcrylamideWakoAAL-107Store at 4℃
Promega ADP-GloPromegaV9104Store at -20℃
protease inhibitor cock-tailnacalai-tesque25955-11
PVDF membraneMerckIPVH00010Pore size : 0.45 μm
QIAEX II Gel Extraction Kit (150)QIAGEN20021
sodium phosphateWako192-02815
TALON affinity resinTaKaRa635504Store at 4℃
Tween 20Wako167-11515Store at 4℃
Ultra Pure AgaroseInvitrogen16500-500
Ultra Pure ATP, 100mMPromegaV703B-CStore at -20℃


  1. Seguchi, O., et al. A cardiac myosin light chain kinase regulates sarcomere assembly in the vertebrate heart. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 117 (10), 2812-2824 (2007).
  2. Chan, J. Y., et al. Identi....

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Cardiac Myosin Light Chain KinaseCMLCKMLC2vPhosphorylationBioluminescent ADP Detection AssayPhosphate affinity SDS PAGENonradioactiveIn VitroKinase ActivityCardiac SarcomereHeart Failure

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