In Vitro Infection of HepG2-NE and 293T-NE-3NRs Cells
HepG2.2.15 Co-culture with HepG2-NE / 293T-NE-3NRs / 293T-NE
Results: HBcAg Expression in 293T-NE, 293T-NE-3NRs and HepG2-NE
HBV viral replication in extrahepatic plays an important role in the pathogenesis of extrahepatic syndromes. Currently, cell culture models for starting extrahepatic HBV infection are limited. We present an in vitro non-hepatic infection model to
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This manuscript describes a detailed protocol for Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in novel engineered 293T cells (293T-NE-3NRs, expressing human NTCP, HNF4α, RXRα and PPARα) and traditional hepatic cells (HepG2-NE, expressing human NTCP).