Experiment Setup: A Mode-locked Fiber Laser with a Motorized Polarization State Controller
Analyzing the Polarization of the Output Signal
Setting Up a Feedback Loop to Automate Polarization Controller Alignment
Building and Deploying a Rudimentary Polarization Analyzer
Results: Automation of Mode-locking Using a Discontinuous Jump in the Stokes Parameter S1
The overall goal of this procedure is to detect an automate mode locking in a pre-adjusted non-linear polarization rotation fiber laser. This procedure provides an alternate way to existing automating procedure based on an RF spectrum analyzer, an
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A protocol to detect and automate mode locking in a pre-adjusted nonlinear polarization rotation fiber laser is presented. The detection of a sudden change in the output polarization state when mode locking occurs is used to command the alignment of an intra-cavity polarization controller in order to find mode-locking conditions.