Magneto-optical Trap Laser and Imaging Laser Preparation
Cooling Atoms with Magneto-optical Trapping: Static MOT
Cooling Atoms: Dynamic Magneto-optical and Optical Dipole Traps
Results: Dependence of Parametric Cooling on the Modulation Time for 6Li at T~1.2 TF
The overall goal of this procedure is to cool an optically trapped ultracold Fermi gas to the microKelvin regime by periodically modulating the intensity of the trapping laser beam. This cooling method can address the key questions in ultracold at
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We present a parametric driving method to cool an ultracold Fermi gas in a crossed-beam optical dipole trap. This method selectively removes high-energy atoms from the trap by periodically modulating the trap depth with frequencies that are resonant with the anharmonic components of the trapping potential.