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This article focuses on robotic vagus-sparing total gastrectomy. The techniques and pitfalls of vagus preservation, sutured esophagojejunostomy, jejunal pouch formation, and Roux-en-Y reconstruction with a staple-stapled jejunojejunostomy are discussed.


Hereditary diffuse gastric cancer (HDGC) caused by the CDH1 gene mutation is an inherited cancer syndrome that increases the risk of diffuse gastric cancer and is nearly impossible to detect by screening gastroscopy. The recommended preventative treatment is a total gastrectomy. Robotic surgery facilitates the use of minimally invasive surgical (MIS) techniques for anastomoses and posterior vagus preservation to potentially reduce adverse functional outcomes. An asymptomatic 24 year old male with the CDH1 gene mutation proven by genetic testing and a family history of a brother having a total gastrectomy for HDGC was treated with this technique. This video case report demonstrates the techniques and pitfalls of robotic surgery in terms of the patient positioning and port placement, posterior vagus-preserving dissection, sutured esophagojejunostomy, jejunal pouch formation, and Roux-en-Y reconstruction with a staple-stapled jejunojejunostomy. While these techniques are demonstrated in the case of prophylactic gastrectomy, many of them can be applied to other benign and bariatric foregut and general surgery types.Robotic surgery can facilitate the foregut MIS technique, as described in this case of a vagus-sparing total gastrectomy.


Hereditary diffuse gastric cancer (HDGC) is characterized by a genetic mutation in the E-cadherin (CDH1) tumor suppressor gene, which has an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance1. This inherited cancer syndrome increases the risk of diffuse gastric cancer and lobular breast cancer (LBC). Current guidelines recommend testing for CDH1 mutations in patients with familial clusters of HDGC and LBC, particularly in those with early onset (before 40 years of age)2. According to the largest reported series of CDH1 mutation carriers, the cumulative lifetime incidence of gastric cancer is 70% (95% CI, 59%-80%) for males and 5....


The patient provided informed consent for the publication of de-identified information, images, and video documentation. Associate Professor Dr. Michael Talbot (co-author) is an upper gastrointestinal surgeon accredited to perform gastrectomy at his institution. Due to the negligible risk of this case report and protocol, it was exempt from an ethics review as per the local institutional review board guidelines. Ethics application for case reports are exempted as per the local institutional review board guidelines.

1. Patient positioning

  1. Place the patient in the reverse Trendelenburg position after general anest....


The total operative time was 2 h 50 min, and the patient had an unremarkable postoperative course. The patient was placed on a free fluids diet on day 1 post surgery and discharged from the hospital on day 4. At the 1 month and 3-month follow-up, the patient was well and reported no diarrhea or dumping symptoms.

The specimen was sent for pathological examination and demonstrated five areas of superficial invasion of the lamina propria by signet ring cell adenocarcinoma. These areas were micros.......


An asymptomatic 24 year old male with the CDH1 gene mutation proven by genetic testing and a family history of a brother having a total gastrectomy for HDGC was selected. The preoperative endoscopy was unremarkable. The case is used as a platform to discuss the techniques and the pitfalls of key aspects of it. This includes the patient positioning and port placement, posterior vagus-preserving dissection, sutured esophagojejunostomy, jejunal pouch formation, and Roux-en-Y reconstruction with a triple stapled jejunojejuno.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


The authors acknowledge the Upper Gastrointestinal and Metabolic Research Foundation for funding the journal publication fees. The authors also acknowledge the patient in this case for their consent to the publication of their de-identified information and images.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Laparoscopic instruments
5 mm optical entry portApplied MedicalCFF03Kii Fios First entry access system. 
Laparoscopic 5mm 0° cameraOlympusENDOEYE HD II5 mm, 0°
Laparoscopic needle holderKARL STORZLaparoscopic needle holder
Nasogastric tubeCardinal Health8888264960E16Fr
Nathanson liver retractorCOOK MedicalNLRS-1001/ NLRS-1002Large/ Extra-large
Robotic instruments
12 mm portIntuitive Surgical470375
8 mm portIntuitive Surgical470380
8 mm reducerIntuitive Surgical470381
Da Vinci Xi/X Endoscope with Camera, 8 mm, 0°Intuitive Surgical470026
Da Vinci Xi/X Endoscope with Camera, 8 mm, 30°Intuitive Surgical470027
da Vinci Xi Surgical System (DVSS)Intuitive Surgical1N/A
Force Bipolar 8 mmIntuitive Surgical470405
Mega SutureCut Needle DriverIntuitive Surgical470309
Monopolar hook diathermyIntuitive Surgical470183
SureForm 60mm staplerIntuitive Surgical480460
Tip-up fenetrated grasper 8 mmIntuitive Surgical470347
Vessel Sealer Extend 8 mmIntuitive Surgical480422
Stapler reloads
Seamguard buttress 60 mmGORE1BSGXI60GB/12BSGXI60GB
SureForm 60 mm green reloadIntuitive Surgical 48360G
SureForm 60 mm white reloadIntuitive Surgical48360W
2-0 nonabsorbable barbed suture Medtronic VLOCN064423 cm V-Loc on a 26 mm ½ circle taper point needle
3-0 absorbable barbed suture Medtronic/ Ethicon (J&J)VLOCM064423 cm V-Loc on a 26 mm ½ circle taper point needle (preferred), STRATAFIX (alternate). Catalogue number 
2-0 monocryl sutureEthicon (J&J) JJW3463Cut to 15 cm, taper point needle
2-0 silk sutureEthicon (J&J) JJ423HCut to 15 cm, taper point needle
1 PDS sutureEthicon (J&J) JJ75414Fascial closure
3-0 monocryl sutureEthicon (J&J) JJY227HSkin closure
Topical Skin AdhesiveEthicon (J&J) JJ79025Skin closure/ wound dressing
Specimen extraction 
Alexis O-ring wound retractorApplied MedicalC8402Medium. For specimen extraction
Handheld diathermyCovidien/ Valleylab VLE2515For specimen extraction


  1. Gamble, L. A., Heller, T., Davis, J. L. Hereditary diffuse gastric cancer syndrome and the role of CDH1: A review. JAMA Surgery. 156 (4), 387-392 (2021).
  2. Shenoy, S. CDH1 (....

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Robotic GastrectomyCDH1 Gene MutationHereditary Diffuse Gastric CancerVagus Nerve PreservationMinimally Invasive SurgeryEsophagojejunostomyRoux en Y Reconstruction

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