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National Institute of Immunology




Protocol for Long Duration Whole Body Hyperthermia in Mice
Vikas Duhan *1, Neha Joshi *1, P. Nagarajan 2, Pramod Upadhyay 1
1Product Development Cell, National Institute of Immunology, 2Small Animal Facility, National Institute of Immunology

This paper describes a protocol for whole body hyperthermia in mice that can stimulate fever like conditions up to 12-24 hr.



Intrasplenic Transplantation of Hepatocytes After Partial Hepatectomy in NOD.SCID Mice
Barun Das 1, Jashdeep Bhattacharjee 1, Preeti 1, Alaknanda Mishra 1, Kshama Jain 1, Srikanth Iyer 1, Ashwani Kesarwani 1, Parul Sahu 1, Prakriti Sinha 1, Perumal Nagarajan 1, Pramod Upadhyay 1
1National Institute of Immunology

We have described a protocol for performing partial hepatectomy (PHx) and cell transplantation via spleen in NOD.SCID (NOD.CB17-Prkdcscid/J) mice. In this protocol, an incision is made to expose and resect the left lobe of the liver followed by another incision for the intrasplenic transplantation of cells.



Generation of a Rat Model of Acute Liver Failure by Combining 70% Partial Hepatectomy and Acetaminophen
Preeti Sahay 1, Kshama Jain 1, Prakriti Sinha 1, Barun Das 1, Alaknanda Mishra 1, Ashwani Kesarwani 1, Parul Sahu 1, K. Varsha Mohan 1, M.J. Mahesh Kumar 2, Perumal Nagarajan 1, Pramod Upadhyay 1
1National Institute of Immunology, 2Center for Cellular and Molecular Biology

The acute liver failure animal model developed in the current study presents a feasible alternative for the study of potential therapies. The current model employs the combined effect of physical and drug-induced hepatic injury and provides a suitable time window to study the potential of novel therapies.


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Microdissection of the Rodent Eye
K. Varsha Mohan 1, Prakriti Sinha 1, Bharati Swami 1, Abaranjitha Muniyasamy 1, Perumal Nagarajan 1, Pramod Upadhyay 1
1National Institute of Immunology

This paper presents a protocol for ocular micro-dissection in rodents. The process involves the enucleation of the eyeball along with the nictitating membrane (i.e., the third eyelid). This is then followed by the separation of the posterior and anterior eye cups.

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