Nozzle Analysis: Variations in Mach Number and Pressure Along a Converging and a Converging-diverging Nozzle


Source: Shreyas Narsipur, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC

A nozzle is a device that is commonly used to accelerate or decelerate flow by virtue of its varying cross-section. Nozzles are widely used in aerospace propulsion systems. In rockets, propellant that is ejected from the chamber is accelerated through a nozzle to create a reaction force that propels the system. In jet engines, a nozzle is used to transform energy from a high-pressure source into kinetic energy of the exhaust to produce thrust. The isentropic model along the nozzle is sufficient for a first-order analysis as the flow in a nozzle is very rapid (and thus adiabatic to a first approximation) with very little frictional loses (because the flow is nearly one-dimensional with a favorable pressure gradient, except if shock waves form and nozzles are relatively short).

In this experiment, two types of nozzles are mounted on a nozzle test rig, and a pressure flow is created using a compressed air source. The nozzles are run for different back-pressure settings to analyze the internal flow in the nozzles under varying flow conditions, identify the various flow regimes, and compare the data to theoretical predictions.


In this demonstration, a nozzle test rig was used, which consisted of a compressed air source that channels high-pressure air through the nozzles being tested, as shown in Figure 5. The flow pressure ranges from 0 - 120 psi and is controlled using a mechanical valve. While the pressures are measured using an external sensor, the mass flow rates in the nozzle are measured by a pair of rotameters placed right before the exhaust of the nozzle test rig.

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The following constants were used in the analysis: specific heat of dry air, γ: 1.4; reference nozzle area, Ai = 0.0491 in2, and standard atmospheric pressure, Patm = 14.1 psi. Figures 8 and 9 show the variation in pressure ratio and Mach number across the length of the nozzle (normalized based on total nozzle length) for various back-pressure settings for the converging and converging-diverging nozzles, respectively. The mass

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NozzleAnalysisVariationsMach NumberPressureConverging NozzleConverging diverging NozzleFlow VelocityThroatChoked FlowSubsonic RegimeBack pressureStagnation PressureBack pressure Ratio

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Measuring Axial Pressure in Converging and Converging-Diverging Nozzles



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