The overall goal of this procedure is to make surrogate nuclear melt glass to prepare materials that can be used as standards for the nuclear forensics community. The method that you're going to see today can help answer key questions in nuclear forensics field, such as challenges in analyzing nuclear melt glass and the effects that interfere with mass spectrometry techniques. The main disadvantage of this technique is that it cannot simulate the pressures found in nuclear weapon detonations.
In the video today, you are going to see my graduate students, Andrew Giminaro and Jonathan Gill as they demonstrate how to make a synthetic nuclear melt glass. First, acquire the requisite quantities of quartz sand and additional components as indicated in the text protocol. Use a microbalance and small spatula to precisely measure the mass fractions of each compound as listed here.
Next, use the mortar and pestle to pulverize and thoroughly mix the compounds, forming a homogenous powder mixture. Agitate using a ball mixer immediately prior to the next step. Following this, acquire a few medium sized crystals of UNH.
Inside a fume hood pulverize the UNH crystals using a mortar and pestle to form a fine powder of one to two micron granules. Add 33.75 micrograms of UNH per gram of the non-radioactive precursor matrix. Thoroughly mix the powder mixture, including the UNH, using a mortar and pestle.
At this point, fill a thick ceramic dish such as a mortar with approximately 100 grams of pure quartz sand and maintain at room temperature near the location of the furnace where the samples will be melted. Preheat the high temperature furnace to 1, 500 degrees Celsius. After carefully measuring one gram of the radioactive powder mixture, place it in a high purity graphite crucible.
Following this, carefully place the crucible in the heated high temperature furnace using a long pari of steel crucible tongs. After melting the mixture for 30 minutes, remove the same from the furnace and pour it into mortar filled with sand. Photographs reveal the similarities in color and texture of the non-radioactive samples and trinitite produced in this study, which are observed at the macroscopic level.
Scanning electron microscopes secondary electron images, which reveal similar features at the micron level are displayed here. Numerous voids are observed and the defects and heterogeneity are similar in both trinitite and the synthetic samples. A comparison of powder x-ray defraction spectra for trinitite and the synthetic samples is shown here.
Quartz is the only mineral present in both cases and the peak intensities are similar, suggesting a comparable degree of amorphousness. Once mastered, this technique can be done in four hours if done properly. When performing this method, it's very important to be very cautious about the high temperatures that are used in this procedure.
Following this procedure, other methods like the development of urban melt glass can be performed in order to answer additional questions, such as the differences between morphologies and cities. After its development, this technique paved the way for researchers in the field of nuclear forensics to explore the possible deficiencies and analytical techniques required to perform analysis on post-detonation debris. After watching this video, you should have a good understanding on how to produce and analyze surrogate nuclear debris that closely resembles the debris found in the trinity test.
When working with high temperature furnaces, this can be extremely hazardous and precautions such as wearing appropriate eyewear and temperate-rated personal protective equipment should always be taken when performing this method.