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University of Massachusetts




Computer-assisted Large-scale Visualization and Quantification of Pancreatic Islet Mass, Size Distribution and Architecture
Abraham Kim 1, German Kilimnik 1, Charles Guo 1, Joshua Sung 1, Junghyo Jo 2, Vipul Periwal 2, Piotr Witkowski 3, Philip Dilorio 4, Manami Hara 1
1Department of Medicine, University of Chicago, 2Laboratory of Biological Modeling, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health, 3Department of Surgery, University of Chicago, 4Diabetes Division, University of Massachusetts

Novel computer-assisted methods of large-scale procurement and analysis of immunohistochemically stained pancreatic specimens are described: (1) Virtual Slice capture of the entire section; (2) Mass analysis of large-scale data; (3) Reconstruction of 2D Virtual Slices; (4) 3D islet mapping; and (5) Mathematical analysis.



A Matrigel-Based Tube Formation Assay to Assess the Vasculogenic Activity of Tumor Cells
Ralph A. Francescone III 1, Michael Faibish 1, Rong Shao 1,2,3
1Molecular and Cellular Biology Program, Morrill Science Center, University of Massachusetts, 2Pioneer Valley Life Sciences Institute, University of Massachusetts, 3Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, University of Massachusetts

A tube formation assay is used to evaluate vascular activity of tumor cells.



Measuring Neural Mechanisms Underlying Sleep-Dependent Memory Consolidation During Naps in Early Childhood
Tamara Allard *1, Tracy Riggins *1, Arcadia Ewell 1, Benjamin Weinberg 1, Sanna Lokhandwala 2, Rebecca M. C. Spencer 2,3
1Department of Psychology, University of Maryland, 2Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, University of Massachusetts, 3Neuroscience and Behavior, University of Massachusetts

This protocol describes methods used to examine neural mechanisms underlying sleep-dependent memory consolidation during naps in early childhood. It includes procedures for examining the effect of sleep on behavioral memory performance, as well as the application and recording of both polysomnography and actigraphy.



Platform Incubator with Movable XY Stage: A New Platform for Implementing In-Cell Fast Photochemical Oxidation of Proteins
Danté Johnson 1, Benjamin Punshon-Smith 2, Jessica A. Espino 1, Anne Gershenson 3, Lisa M. Jones 1
1Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Maryland Baltimore, 2Technology Research Center, University of Maryland Baltimore County, 3Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Massachusetts

A new static platform is used to characterize protein structure and interaction sites in the native cell environment utilizing a protein footprinting technique called in-cell fast photochemical oxidation of proteins (IC-FPOP).



Rapid Testing of Resistance of Timber to Biodegradation by Marine Wood-Boring Crustaceans
Lucy S. Martin 1, J. Reuben Shipway 1,2, Marc A. Martin 1, Graham P. Malyon 1, Mou Akter 1, Simon M. Cragg 1
1University of Portsmouth, 2Microbiology Department, University of Massachusetts

This protocol presents a method for assessing the feeding rate of the wood-boring crustacean, Limnoria, by measuring faecal pellet production. This method is designed for use in non-specialist labs and has potential for incorporation into standard testing protocols, to evaluate enhanced wood durability under marine conditions.



Alignment of Synchronized Time-Series Data Using the Characterizing Loss of Cell Cycle Synchrony Model for Cross-Experiment Comparisons
Sophia A. Campione 1, Christina M. Kelliher 2, David A. Orlando 3, Trung Q. Tran 4, Steven B. Haase 1
1Department of Biology, Duke University, 2Department of Biology, University of Massachusetts, 3Orlando Data Science LLC, 4Department of Computer Science, Duke University

One challenge of analyzing synchronized time-series experiments is that the experiments often differ in the length of recovery from synchrony and the cell-cycle period. Thus, the measurements from different experiments cannot be analyzed in aggregate or readily compared. Here, we describe a method for aligning experiments to allow for phase-specific comparisons.

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