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EPSRC Proteus Hub,
MRC Centre of Inflammation Research,
Queen's Medical Research Institute,
EPSRC Proteus Hub, MRC Centre of Inflammation Research, Queen's Medical Research Institute
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Timed feeding of mice modulates light-entrained circadian rhythms of reticulated platelet abundance and plasma thrombopoietin and affects gene expression in megakaryocytes.
British journal of haematology Jul, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19438469
Monocytes control second-phase neutrophil emigration in established lipopolysaccharide-induced murine lung injury.
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine Jul, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22822022
Two-color widefield fluorescence microendoscopy enables multiplexed molecular imaging in the alveolar space of human lung tissue.
Journal of biomedical optics Apr, 2016 | Pubmed ID: 27121475
Fortified interpenetrating polymers - bacteria resistant coatings for medical devices.
Journal of materials chemistry. B, Materials for biology and medicine Aug, 2016 | Pubmed ID: 27746915
Novel role for endogenous mitochondrial formylated peptide-driven formyl peptide receptor 1 signalling in acute respiratory distress syndrome.
Thorax Oct, 2017 | Pubmed ID: 28469031
University of Edinburgh
Bethany Mills1,
Ahsan R. Akram1,
Emma Scholefield1,
Mark Bradley2,
Kevin Dhaliwal1
1EPSRC Proteus Hub, MRC Centre of Inflammation Research, Queen's Medical Research Institute, University of Edinburgh,
2School of Chemistry, EaStChem, University of Edinburgh
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