Corn Insects & Crop Genetics Research Unit
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Potential for transport of boll weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) to the cotton gin within cotton modules.
Journal of economic entomology Jun, 2004 | Pubmed ID: 15279274
Boll weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) survival through cotton gin trash fans.
Journal of economic entomology Oct, 2004 | Pubmed ID: 15568350
Potential for escape of live boll weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) into cottonseed, motes, and cleaned lint at the cotton gin.
Journal of economic entomology Dec, 2004 | Pubmed ID: 15666727
Dispersal of boll weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from cotton modules before ginning.
Journal of economic entomology Feb, 2006 | Pubmed ID: 16573325
Molecular genetic variation of boll weevil populations in North America estimated with microsatellites: implications for patterns of dispersal.
Genetica May, 2006 | Pubmed ID: 16850220
Dispersal of newly eclosed European corn borer adults (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) from corn into small-grain aggregation plots.
Journal of economic entomology Oct, 2006 | Pubmed ID: 17066794
Impact of trap design, windbreaks, and weather on captures of European corn borer (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in pheromone-baited traps.
Journal of economic entomology Dec, 2006 | Pubmed ID: 17195666
Genetic diversity in laboratory colonies of western corn rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), including a nondiapause colony.
Environmental entomology Jun, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17540076
Effect of age and mating status on adult European corn borer (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) dispersal from small-grain aggregation plots.
Journal of economic entomology Aug, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17849859
Utility of EST-derived SSRs as population genetics markers in a beetle.
The Journal of heredity Mar-Apr, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18222933
A core set of microsatellite markers for western corn rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) population genetics studies.
Environmental entomology Apr, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18419899
Increased survival of western corn rootworm on transgenic corn within three generations of on-plant greenhouse selection.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America Dec, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 19047626
Genetic profiling to determine potential origins of boll weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) captured in a Texas eradication zone: endemicity, immigration, or sabotage?
Journal of economic entomology Dec, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 19133449
Molecular diagnostic for boll weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) based on amplification of three species-specific microsatellites.
Journal of economic entomology Apr, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19449658
Comparative performance of single nucleotide polymorphism and microsatellite markers for population genetic analysis.
The Journal of heredity Sep-Oct, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19525239
Spatial and temporal genetic analyses show high gene flow among European corn borer (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) populations across the central U.S. corn belt.
Environmental entomology Aug, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19689914
Mitochondrial DNA variation and range expansion in western bean cutworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae): no evidence for a recent population bottleneck.
Environmental entomology Feb, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19791624
Multidisciplinary fingerprints: forensic reconstruction of an insect reinvasion.
Journal of the Royal Society, Interface Apr, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 19828497
PERMANENT GENETIC RESOURCES: Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci from the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner) (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Crambidae).
Molecular ecology resources Mar, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 21585805
Cloning of the heat shock protein 90 and 70 genes from the beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua, and expression characteristics in relation to thermal stress and development.
Cell stress & chaperones Jan, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 21842334
Conducting public-sector research on commercialized transgenic seed: in search of a paradigm that works.
GM crops Mar-Apr, 2010 | Pubmed ID: 21865871
Evaluation of tolerance to Bacillus thuringiensis toxins among laboratory-reared western bean cutworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).
Journal of economic entomology Dec, 2013 | Pubmed ID: 24498749
Early Detection and Mitigation of Resistance to Bt Maize by Western Corn Rootworm (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae).
Journal of economic entomology Feb, 2016 | Pubmed ID: 26362989
Haplotype Profile Comparisons Between Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Populations From Mexico With Those From Puerto Rico, South America, and the United States and Their Implications to Migratory Behavior.
Journal of economic entomology Feb, 2015 | Pubmed ID: 26470113
Biocontrol of the oriental armyworm, Mythimna separata, by the tachinid fly Exorista civilis is synergized by Cry1Ab protoxin.
Scientific reports Jun, 2016 | Pubmed ID: 27324469
Population Projection and Development of the Mythimna loreyi (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) as Affected by Temperature: Application of an Age-Stage, Two-Sex Life Table.
Journal of economic entomology 08, 2017 | Pubmed ID: 28541530
Effects of Moth Age and Rearing Temperature on the Flight Performance of the Loreyi Leafworm, Mythimna loreyi (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), in Tethered and Free Flight.
Journal of economic entomology 05, 2018 | Pubmed ID: 29635293
Genomic mechanisms of sympatric ecological and sexual divergence in a model agricultural pest, the European corn borer.
Current opinion in insect science 04, 2018 | Pubmed ID: 29764660
Influence of host plant, geography and pheromone strain on genomic differentiation in sympatric populations of Ostrinia nubilalis.
Molecular ecology Oct, 2019 | Pubmed ID: 31495004
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