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Department of Pediatric Critical Care
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Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, Institut de Recerca Sant Joan de Déu
Sant Joan de Déu Research Institute
Sant Joan de Déu Hospital
Sergio Benito1,
Stephanie Hadley2,
Marta Camprubí-Camprubí3,
Joan Sanchez-de-Toledo4,5
1Department of Pediatric Critical Care, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, Institut de Recerca Sant Joan de Déu,
2, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine,
3Neonatology Department, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, Institut de Recerca Sant Joan de Déu, Universidad de Barcelona,
4Department of Pediatric Cardiology, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, Institut de Recerca Sant Joan de Déu,
5Department of Critical Care Medicine, University of Pittsburgh
Madeleine Ball*,1,2,
Sergio Benito*,1,3,
Juliana Pilar Caride1,
Cristina Ruiz-Herguido1,
Marta Camprubí-Camprubí1,4,
Joan Sanchez-de-Toledo1,5,6
1, Sant Joan de Déu Research Institute,
2Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Vanderbilt University,
3Department of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, Sant Joan de Déu Hospital,
4BCNatal-Barcelona Center for Maternal Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, Sant Joan de Déu Hospital,
5Department of Pediatric Cardiology, Sant Joan de Déu Hospital,
6Department of Critical Care Medicine, University of Pittsburgh
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