Department of Cardiology,
Marie Lannelongue Hospital,
Department of Cardiology, Marie Lannelongue Hospital
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Groupe Hospitalier Paris Saint Joseph
Ali Akamkam1,2,3,
Vincenzo Palermo4,
Tiphaine Legrand5,
Guillaume Fadel2,3,6,
Benoît Decante2,3,
Simon Dang Van2,3,7,
Jean-Noel Andarelli4,
Valérie Furlan5,
Julien Guihaire1,2,3,8
1Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Marie Lannelongue Hospital, Groupe Hospitalier Paris Saint Joseph,
2Laboratory of Preclinical Research, Department of Research and Innovation, Groupe Hospitalier Paris Saint Joseph,
3Inserm UMR S 999, Pulmonary Hypertension: Pathophysiology and Novel Therapies, Marie Lannelongue Hospital, Groupe Hospitalier Paris Saint Joseph,
4Department of Cardiology, Marie Lannelongue Hospital, Groupe Hospitalier Paris Saint Joseph,
5Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, AP-HP. University of Paris-Saclay,
6Department of Thoracic Surgery, Marie Lannelongue Hospital, Groupe Hospitalier Paris Saint Joseph,
7Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, University Hospital of Angers,
8, University of Paris Saclay
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