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Biology Department
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Migrating mesoderm establish a uniform distribution of laminin in the developing grasshopper embryo.
Developmental biology Sep, 2002 | Pubmed ID: 12217318
The tibial-1 pioneer pathway: an in vivo model for neuronal outgrowth and guidance.
Methods in cell biology , 2003 | Pubmed ID: 12884692
Reiterated Wnt signaling during zebrafish neural crest development.
Development (Cambridge, England) Mar, 2004 | Pubmed ID: 14973296
Proliferation and patterning are mediated independently in the dorsal spinal cord downstream of canonical Wnt signaling.
Developmental biology Jan, 2008 | Pubmed ID: 18062957
Tcf3 inhibits spinal cord neurogenesis by regulating sox4a expression.
Development (Cambridge, England) Mar, 2009 | Pubmed ID: 19176587
Midline crossing is not required for subsequent pathfinding decisions in commissural neurons.
Neural development , 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22672767
Large isoforms of UNC-89 (obscurin) are required for muscle cell architecture and optimal calcium release in Caenorhabditis elegans.
PloS one , 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22768340
Exploring community gardens in a health disparate population: findings from a mixed methods pilot study.
Progress in community health partnerships : research, education, and action , 2012 | Pubmed ID: 22820225
Activation of Wnt signaling using lithium chloride: inquiry-based undergraduate laboratory exercises.
Zebrafish Dec, 2012 | Pubmed ID: 23098089
Skidmore College
Aaron P. Beck1,
Roland M. Watt1,
Jennifer Bonner1
1Biology Department, Skidmore College
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