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University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria




In-vivo Detection of Protein-protein Interactions on Micro-patterned Surfaces
Julian Weghuber 1, Stefan Sunzenauer 1, Mario Brameshuber 1, Birgit Plochberger 1, Clemens Hesch 1, Gerhard J. Schutz 1
1Institute of Biophysics, Johannes Kepler Universitat Linz

This video shows experiments with subsequent analysis of protein-protein interactions by the use of micro-patterned surfaces. The approach offers the possibility to detect protein interactions in living cells and combines high throughput capabilities with the possibility to extract quantitative information.


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An In Ovo Model for Testing Insulin-mimetic Compounds
Renate Haselgrübler *1, Flora Stübl *1, Verena Stadlbauer 1,2, Peter Lanzerstorfer 1, Julian Weghuber 1,2
1University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, 2Austrian Competence Center for Feed and Food Quality, Safety and Innovation

In this study, we describe an in-ovo system as a promising tool to test insulin-mimetic compounds in a living organism. The main advantages include adequate throughput rates and acceptable costs, which enable the identification of phytochemicals with insulin-mimetic properties.



Enrichment of Native Lipoprotein Particles with microRNA and Subsequent Determination of Their Absolute/Relative microRNA Content and Their Cellular Transfer Rate
Markus Axmann 1, Andreas Karner 2, Sabine M. Meier 1, Herbert Stangl 1, Birgit Plochberger 2
1Center for Pathobiochemistry and Genetics, Institute of Medical Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry, Medical University Vienna, 2School of Medical Engineering and Applied Social Sciences, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria

Here, a quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction-based protocol is presented for the determination of the native micro-RNA content (absolute/relative) of lipoprotein particles. In addition, a method for increasing the micro-RNA level, as well as a method for determining the cellular uptake rate of lipoprotein particles, is demonstrated.

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