* These authors contributed equally
The objective of the protocol is to monitor the hydration of salts and the brine formation process. Electrical conductivity is used as the measurement technique. The experiments are performed in a simulated Martian environment of temperature, relative humidity and carbon-dioxide atmosphere.
This paper describes a protocol to design experiments to study the formation of brines under Martian conditions and monitor the process with electrical conductivity measurements. We used the Engineering Qualification Model (EQM) of Habitability: Brines, Irradiation, and Temperature (HABIT)/ExoMars 2022 instrument for the experiment setup but we provide a brief account of constructing a simple and inexpensive electrical conductivity measurement setup. The protocol serves to calibrate the electrical conductivity measurements of the salt deliquescence into brine in a simulated Martian environment. The Martian conditions of temperature (-70 °C to 20 °C), relative humidity (0% to 100%) and pressure (7 - 8 mbar) with carbon-dioxide atmosphere were simulated in the SpaceQ Mars simulation chamber, a facility at the Luleå University of Technology, Sweden. The hydrate form of the known amount of salt accommodated between a pair of electrodes and thus the electrical conductivity measured depends predominantly on its water content and the temperature and relative humidity of the system. Electrical conductivity measurements were carried out at 1 Hz while exposing salts to a continuously increasing relative humidity (to force transitioning through various hydrates) at different Martian temperatures. For demonstration, a day-night cycle at Oxia Planum, Mars (the landing site of ExoMars 2022 mission) was recreated.
One of the main research topics of planetary exploration is the water cycle, but it is difficult to design a general, robust and scalable procedure, that allows to monitor the interaction of the atmosphere with the ground. Laboratory simulations can recreate the planetary atmospheres, surfaces and the interactions within. However, it comes with a challenge, from procuring necessary equipment to training personnel. This paper describes a protocol to design experiments to study the formation of brines under Martian conditions of temperature, relative humidity and carbon-dioxide atmosphere, and monitors the process with electrical conductivity measurements. We also provide a brief account of constructing a simple and inexpensive electrical conductivity measurement setup. The protocol may be adapted to design similar experiments in vacuum or other planetary atmospheres.
Importance of brine formation studies
Hygroscopic salts can absorb atmospheric water vapor to form liquid solutions in a process called deliquescence. This process creates brine under favorable conditions on the surface of Earth and Mars that is likely to exist in certain times and places. The reverse process called efflorescence is also possible when the brines dehydrate under unfavorable conditions. The plausible existence of brines on the surface or subsurface of Mars has several implications on the current terrestrial and Martian studies. Additionally, salts can hydrate, hold and release water molecules, which also affects the water cycle and the properties of the regolith.
There is an increasing international interest on determining the temperature, relative humidity and pressure conditions that are favorable for the formation of brines due to deliquescence of salts and salt mixtures, both for Earth and Mars. Field observations of the dark steep-sloped water tracks near Don Juan Pond (DJP) watershed and the formation of wet patches in the McMurdo Dry Valleys in Antarctica have been attributed to the brine formation in the calcium-chloride rich sediments1.
These results have also been validated with laboratory experiments simulating the low temperatures between -30 °C and 15 °C and a relative humidity between 20% and 40%2. Chloride-bearing evaporites in the Yungay region in the hyper-arid core of the Atacama Desert, Chile can absorb water and harbor microbial life3. The processes occurring in the DJP and the driest places on Earth such as the Atacama Desert may be analogous to several of the Martian studies suggesting that similar processes could be happening on the present-day Mars1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16. Recent remote sensing observations of the Salar de Uyuni (Bolivian Altiplano) have described a similar process to what is observed on Mars from orbit17. Despite harsh conditions, the deliquescence-driven brine formation process can sustain liquid water in quantities large enough to allow colonies of bacteria to thrive deep within the salt nodules3. This is of interest to astrobiologists and planetary scientists.
Diurnal absorption and desorption of the atmospheric moisture by the deliquescent salts in the Martian regolith has been reported4,5. The brine formation process of perchlorates existing on Mars have already been studied, observing the changes in phase or hydration state of individual salt particles1,9,18.Different brine related studies have also been performed under Mars-relevant conditions to determine the relative humidity values at which Mars relevant salts and salt mixtures will undergo deliquescence and efflorescence19,20,21. Others have used these experiment conditions to study the evaporation rates of brines at Martian temperature, relative humidity and carbon-dioxide atmosphere22.
Methods of brine formation detection and monitoring
Several methods exist to monitor the brine formation process. Visual observation and images in the visible wavelengths are the simplest. Weighing the salts to monitor the increase in mass could well be used23. Usually the environmental parameters such as temperature, relative humidity and pressure are monitored to properly interpret the observations. Some studies used a hygrometer. The hygroscopic properties of the salts can also be measured with differential mobility analyzers or electrodynamic balances, but their operation is not accurate enough beyond a relative humidity of90%24. In recent studies, transmission and scanning electron microscopes (TEM and SEM) have been widely utilized. Both these microscopes have environmental cells that enable studying the interaction of water with individual salt particles24. The phase changes and transitions in individual salt particles are generally detected with optical, infrared (IR) or Raman spectroscopy incorporated in the experimental setup8,13,19,20,25. Existing spectroscopic methods offer good observation limits and a clear detection of phase changes, but they are not compatible to monitor bulk salt samples and for the continuous monitoring of the brine formation process through the intermediate stages of phase transitions. Furthermore, the laser-based microscopic devices such as the 'Raman microscope' are expensive and may require a complex experimental setup.
We use electrical conductivity as the measurement technique. Measurements to determine the relative humidity at which the salts undergo deliquescence have been performed using electrical conductivity where the derived values were in good agreement with those determined using a standard hygrometer26. The time series of the brine formation process of the deliquescent salts has been studied using electrical conductivity earlier by Heinz et al.27. Here, they used a mixture of JSC Mars-1a simulant and perchlorates or chlorides. The electrical conductivity technique has also been used to detect liquid or frozen water in soils28,29. The advantage of this method is that, it can be applied both to small and medium-sized samples, as long as they are contained in the space between the two electrodes.
This protocol could be useful to design similar experiments that involves controlling the temperature and relative humidity in vacuum or simulating the extraterrestrial atmospheres such as Mars and others.
Figure 1: Construction of the experiment setup. A block diagram showing a simple electrical conductivity measurement setup comprising of the main components such as electrodes, measuring circuits and an Arduino. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Electrical conductivity of brines can be measured with a simple inexpensive setup as shown in Figure 1. The specific products to construct the setup is given in Table of Materials. The setup primarily consists of a pair of metal electrodes of same dimensions separated by a known distance within which the salt or salt mixtures for the study are accommodated. A PT1000 resistance temperature detector can be used to measure the temperature of the salts. One of the flat ends of the electrodes can be soldered to each terminal of a shielded coaxial cable. Similarly, the two terminals of the sensor can be soldered to another shielded coaxial cable. The other ends of each of these coaxial cables can be connected to the circuits to measure electrical conductivity and temperature, respectively. An Arduino board and a simple serial data monitor can be used to retrieve the data and store it.
In the context of this experiment, we use the Engineering Qualification Model (EQM) of the HABIT/ExoMars 2022 instrument, the closest replica of the Flight Model (FM) that will be flown to Mars in 2022. HABIT stands for HabitAbility: Brines, Irradiation, and Temperature. It is one of the two European payloads in the ExoMars 2022 Surface Platform Kazachok and has the objective to study the habitability conditions at the landing site, Oxia planum, Mars. The Brine Observation Transition To Liquid Experiment (BOTTLE) is one of the components of HABIT instrument with a purpose to demonstrate the liquid water stability on Mars31. The protocol described here serves to calibrate the electrical conductivity measurements as a function of brine formation under Martian conditions of temperature, relative humidity and carbon-dioxide atmosphere31. This is applied to retrieve the calibrated electrical conductivity measurements of BOTTLE that aids with the detection of liquid brine formation process on Mars, which is one of its primary mission objectives18. By calibration, here we refer to experiment-level calibration. Instrument-level calibration is performed with determining the geometrical cell constants of each electrode pair and with calibration standards of known electrical conductivity31.
1. Construction of the experiment setup for measuring electrical conductivity
2. Manipulation of the deliquescent salt samples
3. Feeding the salt samples in the experiment setup
4. Installation of the experiment setup in the simulation chamber
5. Controls of the simulation chamber
Figure 2: Controls of the simulation chamber32. Representation of the Mars simulation chamber with its various systems for controlling temperature, relative humidity, and carbon-dioxide pressure. Power and data connection outlets are also shown. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
6. Electrical conductivity vs relative humidity experiment
Figure 3: Electrical conductivity vs relative humidity experiment. Steps of the experiment protocol for performing the calibration experiment to derive the relationship of electrical conductivity as a function of relative humidity. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
7. Logging and saving the data
8. Renewing the salt samples
NOTE: This step is followed to introduce dry salt samples for each new experiment.
9. Simulation of a day-night cycle on Mars
Figure 4: Simulation of a day-night cycle on Mars. Steps of the experiment protocol for performing the Mars Sol simulation. Please note that the steps 6 and 7 are switched from figure 3 since for the Martian day-night simulation, the relative humidity is set initially over 80% before the temperature decrease (day-night transition). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
The data acquired in HABIT are in HEX format and are converted to ASCII format before analyzing. The calibration experiments established a relationship between the electrical conductivity values corresponding to the hydrate forms of the four different salt-SAP mixtures at various Martian temperatures and relative humidity conditions. The relationship at 25 °C is shown in Figure 5A for air and Figures 5B-5E for the four different salt-SAP mixtures, calcium-chloride CaCl2- SAP, ferric-sulphate Fe2(SO4)3 - SAP, magnesium-perchlorate Mg(ClO4)2 - SAP, and sodium-perchlorate NaClO4- SAP, respectively. We observed and cataloged: i) the variability in electrical conductivity measurements as a function of temperature, and ii) the ranges of electrical conductivity of the air and the salt-SAP mixtures as a function of relative humidity. This information will be pivotal in interpreting the hydration level of the salt-SAP mixtures from the BOTTLE operation on Mars, considering the retrieved electrical conductivity, temperature and relative humidity conditions.
In Figure 5A, we observed a direct correlation of electrical conductivity and relative humidity for air. As the relative humidity inside the chamber was increased by injecting water in 0.5 mL increments, the air increased its relative humidity as it happens at Mars conditions. The electrical conductivity increased significantly. The lower electrode is presumably colder because of its proximity to the refrigerated table, this leads in turn to higher RH and higher EC. For the given combination of temperature and relative humidity at Martian pressures during this experiment, we also recorded a maximum electrical conductivity (not temperature-compensated) of air at a relative humidity of 59%. Figures 5B-5E show that all the four salt-SAP mixtures captured water to different extents. A gradual increase in electrical conductivity from RH=0% was observed for Calcium Chloride and Sodium Perchlorate, and an increase around RH=40-50% in case of Ferric sulphate and Magnesium Perchlorate. All the salt-SAP mixtures had the maximum value at 85%, the maximum we achieved inside the chamber.
Figure 5: Electrical conductivity as a function of relative humidity (1% - 85%) at 25 °C. (A) Air, (B) calcium-chloride, (C) ferric sulphate, (D) magnesium-perchlorate, (E) sodium-perchlorate electrical conductivities are shown in log scale with base 10. Electronics Unit (EU) recorded a mean temperature of 25.27 °C (Min: 24.12 °C, Max: 25.95 °C), Container Unit (CU) recorded a temperature increase from 19.6 °C to 32.91 °C as a result of the exothermicity of water capture. The mean working table temperature was 19.11 °C and the mean air temperature was 19.16 °C. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Electrical conductivity of a salt depends on a variety of factors. At the end of the experiment, we noticed that ferric sulphate was the least hydrated (see Figure 7) showing electrical conductivity values lower than the air. The electrical conductivity between the electrodes is also sensitive to the area of contact with the salt+SAP mixture. Some of the granular material, including SAP, may be a better isolator than moisturized air. The air in the empty container had sufficient moisture content that moved freely resulting in a higher electrical conductivity (see Figure 5A) than the ferric sulphate which had no contribution in terms of enough water absorbed to show a significant electrical conductivity signal (see Figure 5C). We also observed water drops in the empty containers at the end of the experiments showing that the air in between the electrodes was at some point saturated and allowed for fog formation and some of it condensed on the sides, as seen in Figure 5A. The absence of low electrode conductivity could mean that the salt particles in contact with the lower electrode was completely frozen (coldest at the bottom of the instrument because of its direct contact with the working table of the chamber) showing no electrical conductivity.
As a demonstration practice of HABIT operation on Mars following a successful landing in early 2021, we simulated one Sol of the environment conditions at Oxia Planum, the planned landing site of the ExoMars 2022 mission. The obtained results mimic the day-night cycle of the BOTTLE operation on Mars and provides a first-hand data in relevant conditions. Figure 6 shows that during the simulation of the Martian day-night cycle, deliquescence has been observed in all the salt-SAP mixtures. Figures 6C-6F show the electrical conductivity values of the four different salt-SAP mixtures, calcium-chloride CaCl2- SAP, ferric-sulphate Fe2(SO4)3 - SAP, magnesium-perchlorate Mg(ClO4)2 - SAP, and sodium-perchlorate NaClO4- SAP, respectively.
Figure 6: Calibrated electrical conductivity measurements of the Mars Sol simulation. (A) Pressure and relative humidity, (B) ground and air temperature, (C) calcium-chloride, (D) ferric sulphate, (E) magnesium-perchlorate, (F) sodium-perchlorate electrical conductivities (in log scale with base 10), and (G) Electronics Unit (EU) and Container Unit (CU) or BOTTLE temperatures are shown. Vertical lines with circled numbers indicate various phases of the simulation. 0-1: Pumping out air to attain vacuum and carbon-dioxide injection to maintain a 7-8 mbar pressure at constant temperature, 1-2: water injection to increase the relative humidity at constant temperature, 2-3: working table cooling ON to decrease the temperature (day-night transition), accompanied by a relative humidity decrease, and 3-4: working table cooling OFF to increase the temperature (night-day transition), accompanied by a relative humidity increase. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
The initial ramp in the electrical conductivity may be attributed to the rapid pressure decrease while relative humidity remained high, accelerating the process of water capture followed by outgassing of the remaining water in the mixture. This was also consistent with the exothermicity of water capture process by the salts. The temperature increase in the Electronics Unit (EU) and BOTTLE may be a combination of a rapid depressurization (under constant volume) and the exothermic behavior of salt-water interaction. The pressure dip observed around 13:00 could be associated with reaching the lowest temperature in the working table, which is also coincident with a small uptick in the RH. At colder temperatures, the working table behaved as a water sink freezing the water droplets and hence the relative humidity of the air was low. During this phase of Martian day-night transition, there were less significant signs in the electrical conductivity curves. But, during the night-day transition, when the temperature increased and so did the relative humidity, the salt-SAP mixture began capturing water steadily as indicated by the increase in electrical conductivity in the later part of the experiment also mirrored by the sudden increase in the BOTTLE temperature. The final electrical conductivity values indicated the extent of water capture by each of the four salt-SAP mixtures as shown in Figure 7. All the salt-SAP mixtures captured water and particularly, calcium-chloride salt-SAP mixture produced liquid brine. The maximum electrical conductivity value of the CaCl2 brine of ̴100 µScm-1 is coherent with the literature31.
Figure 7: Images of the salt-SAP mixtures. (A) before and (B) after the Mars Sol simulation. Left to right: Initial conditions of 1.5 g each of calcium-chloride, ferric sulphate, magnesium-perchlorate, sodium-perchlorate with 0.75 g SAP in each salt. Calcium-chloride in the left corner produced liquid brine also showing relevant electrical conductivity values of ̴100 µScm-1. All other salt-SAP mixtures also captured considerable amounts of water as appearing wet in the images. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
This is the maiden attempt to characterize the electrical conductivity of the brine formation process in vacuum or Martian pressure conditions. The key element of this experiment is to simulate the Martian day-night cycle with the Mars simulation chamber to study the salts. The results of the salt deliquescence are shown as a representative result while the focus is more on achieving the required conditions to simulate Martian environment. With this first experiment, we now understand the process and the limitations of the chamber as mentioned in the discussion section of the manuscript. In the future experiments, we will follow this protocol for various science experiments that is relevant to process on Mars. Earlier studies have carried out the electrical conductivity measurements in ambient laboratory pressures27,28,29. Measuring in lower pressures poses a challenge and thus demanded a modification to the protocol used for the Earth pressure conditions. During a previous calibration campaign in a climate chamber under ambient pressures, different hydrates were prepared by adding defined amounts of salt and water, prior to each set of the experiments to derive the relationship between the electrical conductivity and the salt hydrate form at different Martian temperatures31. But, with Martian pressures, the added water used to form hydrates will eventually outgas when reducing the pressure, thus we started off every experiment with a dry salt-SAP mixture and regulated the relative humidity to transition through various hydrate forms.
Past studies monitoring the brine formation process using Raman spectroscopic methods, generally were performed with an individual granule of the salt particle in an environmental cell and observing the phase transitions in the O-H stretching region of the Raman spectra1,9,18. The electrical conductivity characterization of the brine formation process deemed to be more sensitive to intermediate phase transitions than the existing Raman spectroscopy and provided a continuous time series of the brine formation process27. From our experiments, we also demonstrated electrical conductivity as a viable measurement option for bulk salt samples with good precision.
During the design of the electrical conductivity measurement system for the HABIT instrument, we had challenges to solve. Selection of the electrode material was based on its resistance to corrosion and the surface smoothness to avoid sporadic glitches in the electrical conductivity measurements. The hygroscopic salts sometimes climb up along the walls of the container by capillarity and hence a choice of hydrophobic coating is essential. We used a coating based on an epoxy resin composition that prevented the brine from capillary rise. Also, the electrical characteristics such as the voltage of the electric pulse, its frequency and the current sense reference resistor were crucial for the design. BOTTLE uses a ±2.048 V bias voltage with an electric pulse of ±70 mV and ±700 V for low and high conductance modes. The electric pulses at 1 kHz passes through a gold electrode, and via the salt samples to study, and are read-out at a gold electrode on the other side with 10 k-ohm and 100-ohm reference resistors for low and high conductance modes respectively.
Since each of the experiments to characterize the electrical conductivity as a function of relative humidity, required a constant and stable temperature, the protocol is designed to accommodate within the temperature stability limits of the Mars simulation chamber. There is an observable difference in the working table temperature (regulated by the LN2 feedthrough system of the chamber) and the BOTTLE temperature due to the thermal isolation. This means that the working table temperature is not always identical with the BOTTLE temperature and the difference must be considered for an optimal experiment condition.
Future experiments in the Mars simulation chamber will include deriving a relationship between the air electrical conductivity and the relative humidity at different temperatures. During the Mars Sol simulation, we observed a possible correlation between the relative humidity of the air and its electrical conductivity. This may be relevant for calibrating the two empty cells at the two ends of BOTTLE and incorporate it with the calibration of the salt-SAP mixtures for more precise interpretation of their hydration level. To carry out this experiment, empty experiment container(s) can be adapted without any salt samples following the same experiment protocol.
The described experiment protocol provides a simpler, easily adaptable alternative way to monitor the brine formation process which can also be applied to other samples that may interact with atmospheric moisture. It could be complimentary for studies on understanding the physical and chemical properties of the brines formed by sea-salt mixtures that will be applicable to define conditions under which brines may react with cannister surfaces generally used to store nuclear fuel and nuclear wastes33,34. The corrosive properties of brines for different materials can be studied under different environment conditions by adapting the protocol. We applied this protocol to study the deliquescent properties of four mixtures of salt and SAP that we carry to Mars onboard the HABIT instrument. However, the hygroscopic properties of salt or salt mixtures in any form, for example, smoke particles can be analyzed for their cloud-nucleating potential24. The experiment protocol could also be applied to simulate various atmosphere-surface related phenomenon on Mars and elsewhere inside a laboratory.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
The HABIT Engineering Qualification Model (EQM) that was used for the experiments was fabricated by Omnisys, Sweden, as part of the HABIT project development, under the supervision of MPZ and JMT, and funded by the Swedish National Space Agency (SNSA). HABIT and BOTTLE are the original ideas of MPZ and JMT. SpaceQ Mars simulation chamber is a Luleå University of Technology facility situated in Luleå, Sweden. The Kempe Foundation funded the design and fabrication of the SpaceQ chamber. The SpaceQ chamber was manufactured by Kurt J. Lesker Company, U.K., under the supervision of MPZ. MPZ has been partially funded by the Spanish State Research Agency (AEI) Project No. MDM-2017-0737 Unidad de Excelencia “María de Maeztu”- Centro de Astrobiología (INTA-CSIC) and by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2019-104205GB-C21). AVR and JMT acknowledge support from the Wallenberg Foundation.
Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
84 µS/cm and 1413 µS/cm conductivity calibration standard | Atlas Scienific | CHEM-EC-0.1 | |
Arduino Uno | Arduino | 8058333490090 | |
Calcium Chloride | Sigma Aldrich | CAS Number: 10043-52-4 | Anhydrous, free-flowing, ≥96% |
Carbon Dioxide gas cylinder | AGA Gas | ||
Experiment container | 3D printed in PLA or milled in aluminum/other metal | ||
EZO Conductivity circuit | Atlas Scienific | EZO-EC | |
EZO RTD circuit | Atlas Scienific | EZO-RTD | |
Ferric Sulphate | Sigma Aldrich | CAS Number: 15244-10-7 | 97% |
Gold electrodes | Custom designed | ||
HEPA filter | Nitto | NTF9317-H02 | |
Liquid Nitrogen tank | AGA Gas | ||
Magnesium Perchlorate | Sigma Aldrich | CAS Number: 10034-81-8 | Free-flowing, ≥99.0% |
Pressure gauge | Pirani | CCPG−H2−1 | 1x10-9 to 1000 mbar |
PT100 sensor | |||
PT1000 sensor | |||
Scotch-Weld Epoxy Adhesive | 3M | EC-2216 B/A | |
Sodium Perchlorate | Sigma Aldrich | CAS Number: 7601-89-0 | Free-flowing, ≥98.0% |
Sodium salt of alginic acid (SAP) | Sigma Aldrich | CAS Number: 9005-38-3 | Powder |
Sterile water | VWR Chemicals BDH | CAS Number: 7732-18-5 VWR: 75881-014 | Water ASTM Type II, Reagent Grade |
Swagelok syringe | Fischer scientific | KD Scientific 780812 | |
T/RH probe | Vaisala | HMT 334 | (-70 to + 180C) and (0 to 100 % RH) |
Teraterm | |||
Whitebox Labs Tentacle Shield | Atlas Scienific | TEN-SH |
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