To begin, use heavy duty scissors or shears to cut off the cap end 0.5 millimeters from the conical bottom of a 1.5-milliliter micro-centrifuge tube. Place a piece of glass wool in the cut tube to cover the center hole. Place one assembled glass wool filter unit into a sterile 1.5-milliliter micro-centrifuge tube and label the tube.
Next, cut a non-skirted 96-well PCR plate into six two-column support racks. Flip the two-column racks so the conical bottoms of the wells face upwards. Place the rack in a glass Petri dish containing moist filter paper and cover it with the lid to create a humidity chamber for the leaf sheaths.
To harvest conidia from the sporulating Colletotrichum graminicola, add three to four milliliters of sterile deionized water into the plate. Using a sterile conical tip pestle, scrape evenly across the entire plate to loosen the spores from the agar. Aseptically add one milliliter of spore suspension onto a glass wool filter unit and allow the spores to flow into the collection tube by gravity.
Centrifuge the filtered spore suspension at 3, 500 G for five minutes and pour off the liquid into an autoclavable container. Add one milliliter of sterile deionized water into the collection tube and gently agitate to resuspend the pelleted spores. Again, centrifuge the suspension and resuspend the spores for quantification in 300 to 500 microliters of deionized water.
Use a hemocytometer under a compound microscope at 100 times magnification to determine the spore concentration. Then prepare 500, 000 spores per milliliter suspension with deionized water. To remove the sheath from the first true leaf of week two stage seedlings.
Run a thumbnail along the overlapping margin of the sheath and gently loosen it from the chute. Cut the recovered leaf sheath into three to five-centimeter segments. Carefully unroll each segment to expose the inner epidermal layer.
Apply 20 microliters of fungal spore suspension on the inner surface at the center of the sheath above the mid-rib. Place the inoculated leaf sheaths horizontally, with a mid-rib positioned at the bottom, in a glass Petri plate containing moistened filter paper. Next place the small humidity chambers into a clear storage box lined with moistened germination paper, cover the storage box with a lid, and incubate at 23 degrees Celsius under continuous illumination for the intended time course.
Regularly check the boxes for signs of disease on the sheaths.