14:53 min
January 16th, 2017
January 16th, 2017
Nowadays, capillary cell electrophoresis technique constitutes one of the most resolutive and sensitive estates for the analysis of bio-molecules such as monocolonal antibodies. However, the successful implementation of this technique depends on the knowledge and the skills of the analyst at the critical steps during the sample and system preparations. This tutorial is aimed on how to conduct a successful analysis, truly detailed explanation of the preparation of solution and samples, the preparation of the capillary electrophoresis system, the instruments method setup, and data decision and processing.
Overall this protocol can be used for the development and improvement of skills of the personnel involved into prepping analytical chemistry laboratories. Weigh the amount of HPMC to obtain a final concentration of 0.05 percent in 100 millileters. As HPMC is a basic elastic polymer, as first step, pour the bounder into a glass beaker, and add 80 milliliters of water slowly to desegregate the powder.
Then, rinse the wetting tray with water to remove powder traces. Add remaining regents as normally and stir the solution. Adjust the PH value to 4.8 with 50 percent acidic acid.
And allow the solution to stablize for five minutes. After this, adjust the PH as necessary. Add water to make up the final volume of 100 milliliters.
Filter the prepared BG solution through a neutrophilic membrane, and pour into a glass bottle. Finally, label the glass bottle appropriately, and store under refrigeration. In order to prepare the sample, as a first step add 162 microliters of trace buffer solution into a 1.5 milliliter tube.
Then add 18 microliters of a previously prepared map sample at the concentration of 10 milligrams per milliliter. As a third step, add 20 microliters of a previously prepared one percent histamine solution to obtain a final sample volume of 200 microliters. Next step, prepare a sample for five seconds.
And centrifuge for five seconds. Aspirate the total volume of the sample. And dispense upwards into a micro-vial to avoid introducing any bubbles.
Finally, cap the vial and keep under refrigeration. Turn off the CE instrument by pressing the power switch. And open the front door.
Place a new moving wipe under the interface block. Rinse the electrodes through the interface block with water using a wash bottle. Let the water to drip through the holes and dry the interface block thoroughly.
Remove the excess of water from the electrodes carefully using the wipe. Be careful not to be in the electrodes during this procedure. Remove the wipe from the sample holding system.
Clean the surface of the sample trays with a new water dampened non-moving wipe. And the surface of the buffer trays. Slide the buffer trays upwards, raise up sample holding system, and clean their surface using the wipe.
Move the buffer trays back into position. After these, clean the interface block thoroughly. Clean the clamp bar, and the UV lamp housing.
At the end, be sure to try the system before use. Rinse the opening levers with water using a wash bottle. Clean their surface thoroughly with a new non-moving wipe in order to remove dust and accumulated salts.
Finally be sure to try them before installing. Clean the two ends of the fiber optic cable with a water dampened micro-fiber cloth and confirm the light pod between the ends. Remove a new neutral capillary from it's package.
Take now one end of the capillary's protective tubing to the work bench. Uncoil and straighten the plastic tubing, and pull the capillary out the tubing carefully. Stick a piece of paper to the workbench with the following measurement marks.
Align the capillary window to the zero point to centimeters measurement marks as follows:After this, fix the capillary ends to the workbench with tape. Mark the capillary ends two millimeters outside the measurement marks. Cut the protective cap at the capillary end farthest from the window.
And immerse the capillary end into a CE vial filled with water to avoid permanent damage to the capillary's inner coating. Remove the capillary from the vial and insert this end into the outlet side of the cartridge carefully. Once the capillary has appeared in the other side, pull what's necessary until the capillary window is centered to the cartridge window as follows.
After this, turn around the cartridge and insert the aperture plug into the cartridge window, pressing to snap into position. Be careful not to break the capillary window during this procedure. Confirm that light passes through the window when exposed to the wide source of light.
Introduce the capillary into the preformed coolant tubing with pre-installed tubing not feral and o-ring. Push the capillary through the tubing until the capillary appears at the other side. Then, insert the end of the tubing at the outlet side of the cartridge, and tighten the tubing nuts.
Insert the capillary inlet end into the inlet side of the cartridge. Once the capillary has appeared in the other side, pull as necessary. Following this, insert the end of the tubing at the inlet side of the cartridge and tighten the tubing nuts.
Cut the protective cap at the capillary end nearest from the window. And install the cell retainer clips over the capillary ends, pressing to snap into position as follows. Cut capillary ends below the reference lines on the capillary lengthened plates.
Be sure to inspect the capillary ends with a magnifying glass. If capillary ends are not smooth, burnish them using the cleven stone. Place the aperture o-ring into the aperture blue hole.
And insert it carefully using the o-ring insertion tool. Finally, install CE vials filled with water into the cartridge case, and place the cartridge into case immediately with capillary ends inserted into vials and store under refrigeration. Adjust the pipette volume.
Add the correct volume of water into the buffer inlet the tray coordinates A1, B1, and F6.And to the buffer outlet tray coordinates A1, B1, C1, E6 and F6.Add HCl 0.1 normal to the buffer inlet tray coordinates C1 and E6.And add BGE to the buffer inlet tray coordinates D1 and E6.And to the buffer outlet tray coordinate D1.Finally, cap all CE vials in the buffer inlet and outlet trays. During the procedure, avoid wetting the vial caps to prevent carbon leakage. Open the front door of the CE instrument.
First, install the UV detector and secure it by rotating the screw clockwise. Rise the inner door, and install the opening levers by pressing them up into the interface block. Insert the fiber optic cable into the clamper and rotate clockwise.
And connect the other end to the detector. Handle the fiber optic cable with care, since bending could cause its fracture. Place the sample tray into the sample holding system and snap into position.
Following the same procedure, place the buffer trays into the sample holding system. Rise the clamp bar and place the capillary cartridge into the interface block. Press the clamp bar at both ends and tighten the knobs by rotating clockwise.
Close the inner door, and close the front door. Finally, turn on the CE instrument by pressing the power switch. Create the conditioning instrument method.
Configure the parameters in the initial condition staff, including the voltage, cartridge, and sample storage temperature and trigger settings. Select two thousand fourteen as the acquisition wavelength. Declare the actions to be performed by the instrument by configuring the parameters into time programmed cells.
Including the specific settings for each rinsing, injection, and separation steps. Conduct this procedure to create the conditioning running and shut down instrument methods. The next step is to create a new sequence.
Program the capillary for conditioning using the conditioning method. If the capillary's used for the first time, program four repetitions. Otherwise, program two repetitions.
Then program the samples to be analyzed using the running method. Finally, program the capillary for storage using the shut down method. Capillary cell electrophoresis analysis is completed within 30 minutes.
The first result did corresponds to the histamine internalist standard as a measure of the adeque system performance. This is followed by distinctive basic, main, and acidic ice forms of the ebaluadith monoclonal anthiberi. Whole separation runs under a constant current around 30 micoamperes.
After running the experiment, export raw data from grab software and import it through empower software for processing. Percentage content of each ice form is obtained after vertical dropline integration of the electropharogram profile. Here we have represented a detailed step by step guide to conduct analysis of monoclonal activities that were generated by capillary cell electrophoresis.
Along with several recommendations to mitigate potential issues, additionally present protocol offers the advantage of being easily customized for the analysis of other proteins considering brief modifications in the conductivity and PH parameters.
Here, we present a comprehensive capillary zone electrophoresis protocol for the assessment of intrinsic physicochemical heterogeneity of monoclonal antibodies as a quality attribute.
Rozdziały w tym wideo
Preparation of Background Electrolyte (BGE) Solution
Sample Preparation
CE System Cleaning
Cartridge Assembly
Preparation of Buffer Trays
CE System Components Assembly
Instrument Methods Set-up
Data Acquisition and Processing
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