We aim to develop and validate a novel polar histogram visualization method for analyzing Acute Stress Disorder Scale scaltors focusing on elderly ICU caregivers, mental health assessment and the intervention effectiveness. The integration of data visualization techniques with serological assessment tools has emerged as a crucial development, particularly in understanding complex stress disorders through multi-dimensional analysis approaches. They utilize MATLAB based poly histogram visualization combined with standardized ASDS assessments and CPT interventions create comprehensive virtual representations of stress profiles.
Traditional medicines struggle to interpret our 19 ASDS variables simultaneously. Our protocol addresses this limitation by introducing innovative visualization approach for comprehensive stress profile analysis. Our findings open avenues for exploring machine learning integration with visualization techniques, and investigating cross-cultural validation of stress profile patterns across different populations.
To begin, divide study participants into elderly intensive care unit or ICU caregivers aged 60 to 80 years and healthy elderly controls from the local community. Ask the participant to complete the informed consent form before data collection. Provide the standardized 19 item acute stress disorder scale or ASDS questionnaire to the participant.
Ask professional psychologists to conduct ASDS assessment interviews to ensure consistency and reliability. Collect and record ASDS scores following questionnaire completion. Apply cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness-based coping strategies to selected individuals from the elderly ICU caregiver group as part of a comprehensive intervention.
Open the spreadsheet data file and verify that the data matrices are structured as healthy group with a 19 by 106 matrix. Elderly caregiver ICU 24 hour with a 19 by 309 matrix EC ICU intervention with a 19 by 109 matrix and EC ICU control with a 19 by 200 matrix. To import ASDS data into MATLAB workspace, open the spreadsheet option menu and click on the add-ins tab.
Browse and add MATLABs XL link. dot X LAM located in MATLAB's toolbox back slash X link directory. Then select the data for each group and click on the MATLAB plugins.
Send data to MATLAB option. Verify that all data appear in MATLAB's workspace with variables data H containing the healthy group 19 by 106 matrix data EC containing the EC ICU intervention, 19 by 109 matrix and data control containing the EC ICU control 19 by 200 matrix. After importing ASDS data into the MATLAB workspace, use the command means equals mean of Data underscore EC comma two and total underscore scores equals sum of data, comma one, to obtain the mean values of the 19 variables and the sum scores for the ASDS of elderly caregiver ICU respectively.
Execute the code to view the distribution of mean values and some scores for the 19 variables of the ASDS of elderly caregiver ICU. Using the command mean underscore EC equals mean of data underscore EC comma two and mean underscore H equals mean of data underscore H comma two to calculate the ASDS sample means for the elderly caregivers group and the healthy group respectively. Now, use the polar histogram command to create an overlaid plot comparing the two variables, mean EC and mean H.Then using the MATLAB code, add coordinates and annotations to the plot.
For the elderly caregivers group, original data execute mean underscore EC equals mean of data underscore EC, comma two command. Then, for the healthy control group intervention group, execute mean underscore I equals mean of data underscore I comma two. And for EC ICU intervention group control group execute mean underscore control equals mean of data underscore control, comma two.
Then, execute the command bar, mean underscore EC comma, mean underscore control, comma mean underscore H to plot the comparison across different groups. Use the code shown to rank the effects on prognosis, obtaining the variable IDXX for the ranking of the 19 ASDS items, prognosis effects. Finally, use the polar histogram command to create an overlaid plot of the control group and intervention group data.
Annotate the plot according to the order of IDXX. The ASDS data for elderly caregivers in the ICU showed a mean score of 3.3 and a cumulative value of 62.6 indicating a significantly higher stress level compared to healthy elderly individuals. Comparison using a polar histogram shows a marked difference in ASDS scores between ICU caregivers and healthy elderly individuals with ICU caregivers displaying higher stress levels.
Hyper arousal symptoms in the intervention group decreased with physical reactions when reminded of the trauma dropping from 4.16 to 3.63. Being jumpy or easily startled from 3.95 to 3.44. Overly alert from 4.13 to 3.66.
Trouble concentrating from 4.09 to 3.64. Irritability from 3.69 to 3.28 and trouble sleeping from 3.67 to 3.27. The intervention group showed modest improvements in avoidance symptoms including trying to avoid situations or people that reminded them of the trauma, trying not to talk about the trauma, trying not to think about the trauma and feeling upset when reminded of the trauma.