Bernhard Rupp is an internationally recognized expert in biomolecular crystallography and structural biology. He has authored over 150 publications ranging from specific structure de-termination projects in the fields of apo-lipoproteins, bacterial toxins, and bacterial drug targets to technology developments in advanced high throughput robotics and computational crystal-lography methods, much of which is dedicated to the validation and improvement of protein-ligand structures. He was recruited as a guest from the San Diego Biotech cluster for MUI through a highly competitive and prestigious Marie Curie Incoming International Fellowship (IIF) grant with the explicit aim of enhancement of the competitiveness of the European Research Area. His workshops and text book have significantly advanced teaching and knowledge dissemina-tion in biomolecular crystallography, together with his venia docendi in Molecular Structural Biology qualifying him as an engaged supervisor and mentor for graduate students and post-docs funded by his projects. Current activities focus on intra-EU collaborations and provide involved young scientists with opportunities to participate in the international collaborations of this project and to build their own portfolio of international networks and contacts.