Caroline L.C. Neely

Department of Psychology,

Cognitive Behavioral Neuroscience

George Mason University

Caroline L.C. Neely is a clinical trial results analyst at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD. She received her undergraduate degree from Wake Forest University in North Carolina and a Ph.D. from George Mason University in Virginia.

Caroline's graduate research examined the roles of biometals in animal models of Alzheimer's disease and chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Specifically, she investigated the possible protective effect of zinc against repetitive mild traumatic brain injury. She utilized various behavioral, histological, and proteomic methods to study perturbations in hippocampal ionic zinc and correlations with anxiety and learning deficits, which are some consequences of these injuries. Caroline's research interests also included enrichment and voluntary wheel running, cognitive and affective behaviors in mice, methodological improvements in animal testing, and data visualization and transparency.

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