Hideki Uosaki

Division of Regenerative Medicine,

Center for Molecular Medicine,

Division of Stem Cell Research and Drug Development,

Center for Development of Advanced Medical Technology

Jichi Medical University

Hideki Uosaki is an Associate Professor in Division of Regenerative Medicine, Center for Molecular Medicine, Jichi Medical University in Shimotsuke, Japan. HE received his M.D. from Hokkaido University, and a Ph.D from Kyoto University, Japan.

As a post-doctoral fellow (2011-2016) in Chulan Kwon's lab at the Division of Cardiology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, he studied heart development using mouse Cre/Loxp models. He also started to study molecular mechanisms of cardiomyocyte maturation.

Dr. Uosaki moved to Japan in 2016 as a Lecturer of Jichi Medical University and promoted to an Associate Professor in 2017. His research team encompasses using mice, pigs, as well as mouse and human stem cells to decipher the molecular mechanisms of cardiomyocyte maturation and to transform the knowledge and technologies in developmental biology and stem cell biology to ways to support physicians.

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