María E Meléndez Camargo

Pharmacy Department,

National School of Biological Sciences,

Pharmacy Department, National School of Biological Sciences

National Polytechnic Institute

Anamaria Aranha Camargo holds a bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences and a PhD in Science from the University of São Paulo. Since the beginning of her scientific activities, she dedicated herself to the study of the genomic organization of several organisms. She participated in the coordination of the Xylella fastidiosa Genome Project and of the Human Cancer Genome Project, both involving a virtual network of more than 30 research laboratories in the State of São Paulo. She also joined the National Network for Bacterial Genome Sequencing formed by the Ministry of Science and Technology. She currently works at Research and Teaching Institute of Hospital Sírio Libanês in São Paulo, Brazil. Her research is focused on the development of new tools for the diagnosis and prognosis of solid tumors. For her various contributions in the area of Genetics and Genomics, he has received the award of Scientific and Technological Merit of the State of São Paulo and the Prize Moinho Santista of Young Scientist in the Area of Genetics of the BUNGE Foundation.

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