Alvernia University




Dependence of Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Results on Pulse Energies and Timing Parameters Using Soil Simulants
Lauren Kurek 1, Maya L. Najarian 1, David A. Cremers 2, Rosemarie C. Chinni 1
1Department of Math and Sciences, Alvernia University, 2Applied Research Associates (ARA), Inc.

LIBS detection capabilities on soil simulants were tested using a range of pulse energies and timing parameters. Calibration curves were used to determine detection limits and sensitivities for different parameters. Generally, the results showed that there was not a significant reduction in detection capabilities using lower pulse energies and non-gated detection.



A Method for Selecting Structure-switching Aptamers Applied to a Colorimetric Gold Nanoparticle Assay
Jennifer A. Martin 1,2, Joshua E. Smith 1,2, Mercedes Warren 1, Jorge L. Chávez 1,3, Joshua A. Hagen 1, Nancy Kelley-Loughnane 1
1711th Human Performance Wing, Human Effectiveness Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, 2The Henry M. Jackson Foundation, 3UES, Inc.

A protocol is provided to select structure-switching aptamers for small molecule targets based on a tunable stringency magnetic bead selection method. Aptamers selected with structure-switching properties are beneficial for assays that require a conformational change to signal the presence of a target, such as the described gold nanoparticle assay.



Design and Development of Aptamer–Gold Nanoparticle Based Colorimetric Assays for In-the-field Applications
Joshua E. Smith 1, Jorge L. Chávez 2,3, Joshua A. Hagen 2, Nancy Kelley-Loughnane 2
1Department of Science and Mathematics, Alvernia University, 2711th Human Performance Wing, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, 3UES, Inc.

The design and development of an aptamer–gold nanoparticle colorimetric assay for the detection of small molecules for in-the-field applications was examined. Additionally, a smart-device colorimetric application (app) was validated and long-term storage of the assay was established for use in the field.

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