The spatial arrangement of RNA-binding proteins on a transcript is a key determinant of post-transcriptional regulation. Therefore, we developed individual-nucleotide resolution UV crosslinking and immunoprecipitation (iCLIP) that allows precise genome-wide mapping of the binding sites of an RNA-binding protein.
AVEXIS is a high throughput protein interaction assay developed to systematically screen for novel extracellular receptor-ligand pairs involved in cellular recognition processes. It is specifically designed to detect transient protein interactions that are difficult to identify using other high throughput approaches.
A method to measure the persistence length or flexural rigidity of biopolymers is described. The method uses a kinesin-driven microtubule gliding assay to experimentally determine the persistence length of individual microtubules and is adaptable to actin-based gliding assays.
Here we present protocols for affinity purification of protein complexes and their separation by blue native PAGE, followed by protein correlation profiling using label free quantitative mass spectrometry. This method is useful to resolve interactomes into distinct protein complexes.
Here we present the proteogenomic tool PoGo and protocols for fast, quantitative, post-translational modification and variant enabled mapping of peptides identified through mass spectrometry onto reference genomes. This tool is of use to integrate and visualize proteogenomic and personal proteomic studies interfacing with orthogonal genomics data.
Human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC)-derived intestinal organoids offer exciting opportunities to model enteric diseases in vitro. We demonstrate the differentiation of hiPSCs into intestinal organoids (iHOs), the stimulation of these iHOs with cytokines, and the microinjection of Salmonella Typhimurium into the iHO lumen, enabling the study of an epithelial invasion by this pathogen.
This manuscript describes a genome-scale cell-based screening approach to identify extracellular receptor-ligand interactions.
In this article a high-throughput protocol for fast and reliable determination of gene expression levels in single or bulk C. elegans samples is described. This protocol does not require RNA isolation and produces cDNA directly from samples. It can be used together with high-throughput multiplexed nanofluidic real-time qPCR platforms.
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