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In This Article

  • Summary
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
  • Discussion
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  • Acknowledgements
  • Materials
  • References
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This protocol describes the study of the quasi-static compression performance of corrugated tapered tubes using finite element simulations. The influence of the thickness gradient on the compression performance was investigated. The results show that proper thickness gradient design can change the deformation mode and significantly improve the energy absorption performance of the tubes.


In this study, the quasi-static compression performance of tapered tubes was investigated using finite element simulations. Previous studies have shown that a thickness gradient can reduce the initial peak force and that lateral corrugation can increase the energy absorption performance. Therefore, two kinds of lateral corrugated tapered tubes with variable thicknesses were designed, and their deformation patterns, load displacement curves, and energy absorption performance were analyzed. The results showed that when the thickness variation factor (k) was 0.9, 1.2, and 1.5, the deformation mode of the single corrugated tapered tube (ST) changed from transverse expansion and contraction to axial progressive folding. In addition, the thickness gradient design improved the energy absorption performance of the ST. The energy absorption (EA) and specific energy absorption (SEA) of the model with k = 1.5 increased by 53.6% and 52.4%, respectively, compared with the ST model with k = 0. The EA and SEA of the double corrugated tapered tube (DT) increased by 373% and 95.7%, respectively, compared with the conical tube. The increase in the k value resulted in a significant decrease in the peak crushing force of the tubes and an increase in the crushing force efficiency.


Crashworthiness is an essential issue for lightweight automobiles, and thin-walled structures are widely used to improve crashworthiness. Typical thin-walled structures, such as round tubes, have good energy absorption capacity but usually have large peak forces and load fluctuations during the crushing process. This problem can be solved by introducing axial corrugations1,2,3. The presence of corrugations allows the tube to plastically deform and fold according to a predesigned corrugation pattern, which can reduce the peak force and load fluctuations4


1. Creating the surface in the CAD software

  1. Open the CAD software (see Table of Materials), left-click on File, left-click on New, and select Part.
  2. In Part1, right-click on Top, and select Show.
  3. Create a new plane: Press Ctrl, and left-click to select the Top plane and drag it up. Enter 30 mm as the Offset Distance, and rename the plane "Bottom".
  4. Create a sketch on the "Top" plane.
    1. Right-click on

Representative Results

Several commonly used indicators are used to determine the crashworthiness of structures, including the total energy absorption (EA), specific energy absorption (SEA), peak crushing force (PCF), mean crushing force (MCF), and crushing force efficiency (CFE)42.

The total energy absorption (EA)43 can be expressed as follows:

figure-representative results-454  .......


The quasi-static compression performance of tapered tubes was studied by finite element analysis. Two new types of corrugated tapered tubes with variable thicknesses were designed, and their quasi-static compression performance was investigated. In quasi-static compression simulations, some important steps and settings need to be verified.

The material parameters are the basic requirements for the finite element calculation (step 2.2.1 of the protocol). In this study, the material parameters w.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


The first author would like to acknowledge grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 52078152 and No. 12002095), General Program of Guangzhou Science and Technology Plan (No. 202102021113), Guangzhou Government-University Union Fund (No. 202201020532), and Guangzhou Municipal Science and Technology Project (Grant No. 202102020606).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
ABAQUSDassault SIMULIAFinite element software
CTBotong 3D printingConical tube for experiment
SOLIDWORKSDassault SystemesCAD software
Universal testing machineSUNSUTM5205, 200kN


  1. Wu, S., Li, G., Sun, G., Wu, X., Li, Q. Crashworthiness analysis and optimization of sinusoidal corrugation tube. Thin-Walled Structures. 105, 121-134 (2016).
  2. Hao, W., Xie, J., Wang, F., Liu, Z., Wang, Z.

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Finite Element ModelingQuasi static CompressionCorrugated Tapered TubesThickness GradientEnergy AbsorptionDeformation PatternsLoad Displacement CurvesDouble Corrugated Tapered TubeSingle Corrugated Tapered TubeConical Tube

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