Department of Psychiatry
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Compartment-specific transcription factors orchestrate angiogenesis gradients in the embryonic brain.
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Endothelial cell-derived GABA signaling modulates neuronal migration and postnatal behavior.
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Mast cells regulate CD4 T-cell differentiation in the absence of antigen presentation.
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The Vessels Shaping Mental Health or Illness.
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Mechanistic insights into autocrine and paracrine roles of endothelial GABA signaling in the embryonic forebrain.
Scientific reports Nov, 2019 | Pubmed ID: 31700116
Harvard Medical School
McLean Hospital
Peeyush Kumar T.1,2,
Anju Vasudevan1,2
1Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School,
2Angiogenesis and Brain Development Laboratory, Division of Basic Neuroscience, McLean Hospital
Debkanya Datta1,2,
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