Department of Pathology,
Department of Neuroscience and Friedman Brain Institute
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Double minute amplification of mutant PDGF receptor α in a mouse glioma model.
Scientific reports Feb, 2015 | Pubmed ID: 25683249
Emerging interplay of genetics and epigenetics in gliomas: a new hope for targeted therapy.
Seminars in pediatric neurology Mar, 2015 | Pubmed ID: 25976256
EGFR promoter exhibits dynamic histone modifications and binding of ASH2L and P300 in human germinal matrix and gliomas.
Epigenetics , 2015 | Pubmed ID: 25996283
A qPCR ScoreCard quantifies the differentiation potential of human pluripotent stem cells.
Nature biotechnology Nov, 2015 | Pubmed ID: 26501952
BK virus encephalopathy and sclerosing vasculopathy in a patient with hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia and immunodeficiency.
Acta neuropathologica communications 07, 2016 | Pubmed ID: 27411570
Prospective Isolation and Comparison of Human Germinal Matrix and Glioblastoma EGFR Populations with Stem Cell Properties.
Stem cell reports 05, 2017 | Pubmed ID: 28434940
FACS-based Isolation of Neural and Glioma Stem Cell Populations from Fresh Human Tissues Utilizing EGF Ligand.
Bio-protocol Dec, 2017 | Pubmed ID: 29516026
Analysis of chromatin accessibility uncovers TEAD1 as a regulator of migration in human glioblastoma.
Nature communications 10, 2018 | Pubmed ID: 30275445
Single-cell stabilization method identifies gonadotrope transcriptional dynamics and pituitary cell type heterogeneity.
Nucleic acids research 11, 2018 | Pubmed ID: 30357357
Gene signatures of quiescent glioblastoma cells reveal mesenchymal shift and interactions with niche microenvironment.
EBioMedicine Apr, 2019 | Pubmed ID: 30952620
Practical Bioinformatic DNA-Sequencing Pipeline for Detecting Oncogene Amplification and EGFRvIII Mutational Status in Clinical Glioblastoma Samples.
The Journal of molecular diagnostics : JMD 05, 2019 | Pubmed ID: 31000415
Neuronal impact of patient-specific aberrant NRXN1α splicing.
Nature genetics 12, 2019 | Pubmed ID: 31784728
Widely metastatic glioblastoma with BRCA1 and ARID1A mutations: a case report.
BMC cancer Jan, 2020 | Pubmed ID: 31959133
A chromosomal connectome for psychiatric and metabolic risk variants in adult dopaminergic neurons.
Genome medicine 02, 2020 | Pubmed ID: 32075678
Analysis of 7-tesla diffusion-weighted imaging in the prediction of pituitary macroadenoma consistency.
Journal of neurosurgery Feb, 2020 | Pubmed ID: 32109870
Pituitary adenoma consistency: Direct correlation of ultrahigh field 7T MRI with histopathological analysis.
European journal of radiology May, 2020 | Pubmed ID: 32146344
Akaluc bioluminescence offers superior sensitivity to track in vivo glioma expansion.
Neuro-oncology advances Jan-Dec, 2020 | Pubmed ID: 33241215
Pathophysiology of SARS-CoV-2: the Mount Sinai COVID-19 autopsy experience.
Modern pathology : an official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc Apr, 2021 | Pubmed ID: 33795830
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Zarmeen Mussa1,2,
Jessica Tome-Garcia1,2,
Yan Jiang3,
Schahram Akbarian2,4,
Nadejda M. Tsankova1,2
1Department of Pathology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai,
2Department of Neuroscience and Friedman Brain Institute, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai,
3Institutes of Brian Science, Fudan University,
4Department of Psychiatry, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
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