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Chapter 9


Introduction to Personality Psychology
Introduction to Personality Psychology
Personality refers to enduring traits and behavior patterns that shape how individuals think, feel, and act, influencing their interactions and identity. ...
Psychodynamic Perspectives on Personality
Psychodynamic Perspectives on Personality
The psychodynamic perspective is a psychological approach that emphasizes the influence of the unconscious mind on behavior. Originating from Sigmund ...
Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory
Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory
Sigmund Freud, an Austrian neurologist, developed the psychoanalytic theory based on several key assumptions. Psychic determinism is the belief that ...
Structure of Self
Structure of Self
Freud's structure of self is often compared to an iceberg, with the small visible part representing the conscious mind and the much larger submerged ...
Psychosexual Stages of Personality: Oral
Psychosexual Stages of Personality: Oral
The oral stage is the first stage of psychosexual development in humans, as proposed by Sigmund Freud. This stage spans from birth to approximately 12 to ...
Psychosexual Stages of Personality: Anal
Psychosexual Stages of Personality: Anal
After the oral stage, children enter Freud's anal stage, which occurs between 18 months and three years of age. During this stage, children derive ...
Psychosexual Stages of Personality: Phallic
Psychosexual Stages of Personality: Phallic
The third stage of psychosexual development proposed by Freud is known as the phallic stage, occurring between the ages of three and six. During this ...
Psychosexual Stages of Personality: Latency
Psychosexual Stages of Personality: Latency
The latency period follows the phallic stage of psychosexual development proposed by Freud and occurs between the ages of 6 and 12. Freud believed that no ...
Psychosexual Stages of Personality: Genital
Psychosexual Stages of Personality: Genital
The genital stage is the fifth and final stage in Freud's psychosexual development theory, typically beginning around age 12 or at puberty. It marks a ...
Horney's Sociocultural Approach
Horney's Sociocultural Approach
Karen Horney, a feminist personality theorist, believed that every individual holds the potential for self-realization. She argued that jealousy, ...
Jung's Analytical Theory
Jung's Analytical Theory
Carl Jung developed analytical theory, which aims to balance conscious and unconscious thoughts and experiences within an individual's personality. ...
Adler's Individual Psychology
Adler's Individual Psychology
Alfred Adler founded individual psychology, emphasizing that individuals are driven by goals and purposes rather than pleasure, with the pursuit of ...
The Behavioral Perspective on Personality
The Behavioral Perspective on Personality
Behaviorists argue that personality is shaped primarily by reinforcements and consequences in the environment. Similarly, radical behaviorists identify ...
Social Cognitive Perspective on Personality
Social Cognitive Perspective on Personality
Social cognitive perspectives on personality highlight conscious awareness, beliefs, expectations, and goals. These perspectives integrate principles of ...
Rotter's Locus of Control
Rotter's Locus of Control
Julian Rotter introduced the concept of locus of control, which refers to an individual's belief about their control over life events and outcomes. ...
Carl Rogers' Humanistic Perspective on Personality
Carl Rogers' Humanistic Perspective on Personality
Rogers pioneered the humanistic approach to psychology, emphasizing a person's capacity for personal growth and innate ability to control their lives, ...
Maslow's Humanistic Approach on Personality
Maslow's Humanistic Approach on Personality
Abraham Maslow pioneered the humanistic approach to personality and developed a hierarchy of needs to explain motivation. Maslow suggests that humans ...
Trait Theory by Gordon Allport
Trait Theory by Gordon Allport
Gordon Allport's trait theory emphasizes that personality can be described based on traits, which are relatively stable characteristics that lead ...
Cattell's 16 Personality Factors
Cattell's 16 Personality Factors
Raymond Cattell, a pioneer in trait theory, emphasized that traits don't exist as simply present or absent; instead, they are expressed on a continuum ...
Personality Theory by Eysenck and Eysenck
Personality Theory by Eysenck and Eysenck
Hans and Sybil Eysenck emphasized innate temperaments and biological influences on personality, identifying extroversion or introversion and neuroticism ...
Five-Factor Theory of Personality
Five-Factor Theory of Personality
The Five-factor model of personality describes personality as a set of five broad traits — openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, ...
Traits, Mood, and Subjective Wellbeing
Traits, Mood, and Subjective Wellbeing
Subjective well-being refers to how individuals evaluate their positive affect in relation to negative affect and their evaluation of life in general. It ...
Traits and States
Traits and States
Traits are general patterns of thinking, feeling, or behaving that reflect a person's average tendencies across all situations. For example, someone ...
Cultural Influences on Personality
Cultural Influences on Personality
Cross-cultural research extensively focuses on a key personality dimension: individualism versus collectivism. In individualist cultures, such as the ...
Self-Report Tests of Personality
Self-Report Tests of Personality
Self-report inventories are objective tests used to assess personality and often feature multiple-choice questions or numbered scales. The Minnesota ...
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