Here we describe a method to quantify infectious particles of murine norovirus (MNV), which is the only norovirus that efficiently replicates in cell culture. The plaque assay takes advantage of MNVβs tropism for murine macrophages and can be adapted for use with biological or environmental samples containing MNV.
Murine norovirus (MNV) is the only member of the Norovirus genus that efficiently grows in tissue culture 1, 2. Cell lysis and cytopathic effect (CPE) are observed during MNV-1 infection of murine dendritic cells or macrophages 1. This property of MNV-1 can be used to quantify the number of infectious particles in a given sample by performing a plaque assay 1. The plaque assay relies on the ability of MNV-1 to lyse cells and to form holes in a confluent cell monolayer, which are called plaques 3.
Multiple techniques can be used to detect viral infections in tissue culture, harvested tissue, clinical, and environmental samples, but not all measure the number of infectious particles (e.g. qRT-PCR). One way to quantify infectious viral particles is to perform a plaque assay 3, which will be described in detail below. A variation on the MNV plaque assay is the fluorescent focus assay, where MNV antigen is immunostained in cell monolayers 4. This assay can be faster, since viral antigen expression precedes plaque formation. It is also useful for titrating viruses unable to form plaques. However, the fluorescent focus assay requires additional resources beyond those of the plaque assay, such as antibodies and a microscope to count focus-forming units. Infectious MNV can also be quantified by determining the 50% Tissue Culture Infective Dose (TCID50) 3. This assay measures the amount of virus required to produce CPE in 50% of inoculated tissue culture cells by endpoint titration 5. However, its limit of detection is higher compared to a plaque assay 4.
In this article, we describe a plaque assay protocol that can be used to effectively determine the number of infectious MNV particles present in biological or environmental samples 1, 4, 6. This method is based on the preparation of 10-fold serial dilutions of MNV-containing samples, which are used to inoculate a monolayer of permissive cells (RAW 264.7 murine macrophage cells). Virus is allowed to attach to the cell monolayer for a given period of time and then aspirated before covering cells with a mixture of agarose and cell culture media. The agar enables the spread of viral progeny to neighboring cells while limiting spread to distantly located cells. Consequently, infected cells are lysed and form holes in the monolayer known as plaques. Upon sufficient spread of virus, plaques become visible following staining of cells with dyes, like neutral red, methylene blue, or crystal violet. At low dilutions, each plaque originates from one infectious viral particle and its progeny, which spread to neighboring cells. Thus, counting the number of plaques allows one to calculate plaque-forming units (PFU) present in the undiluted sample 3.
1. Culturing of the Macrophage Cell Line RAW 264.7
2. Infect RAW 264.7 Cells with MNV Inoculum
3. Low Melting Point Agarose (SeaPlaque) Overlay Preparation
Note: it is advisable to have several bottles with autoclaved SeaPlaque agarose prepared ahead of time. Agarose can be re-melted in a microwave before use.
4. Visualization of Plaques by Neutral Red Staining
5. Representative Results
Infectious MNV-1 particles can be quantified using a plaque assay as outlined schematically in Figure 1. Figure 2A shows a well with a monolayer of RAW 264.7 cells just prior to infection, while Figure 2B shows three visible plaques indicated by roman numbers I, II and III in a well. Individual steps of the assay are depicted in Figures 3A through F. Figure 3A shows the preparation of the 10-fold dilution series of a virus-containing sample. Figure 3B shows the transfer of dilutions to duplicate wells of a 6-well plate. Figure 3C shows the rocking apparatus used to incubate RAW 264.7 cells with the inoculum at room temperature for 1 hr. Figure 3D shows cells being overlaid with the SeaPlaque:MEM mixture. Figure 3E shows a plate at room temperature to allow the overlay to solidify, while Figure 3F shows cells being stained with a 0.01% neutral red solution 48 hr later. After staining cells for 1-3 hr and aspirating the neutral red staining solution, plaques are visible and can be counted (Figure 4).
Figure 1. Schematic of the MNV plaque assay protocol.
Figure 2. Representative images of a well of a monolayer before infection and after formation of plaques. A) RAW 264.7 cells were cultured overnight and imaged under a light microscope at 20x magnification. B) Cells were stained with a 0.01% neutral red solution after 48 hr of infection and visualized under a light microscope at 4x magnification. Roman numbers I, II, and III indicate three visible plaques.
Figure 3. Representative images of the different plaque assay steps. A) MNV-1 inoculum is prepared in 10-fold dilutions. B) Inoculum is added to cell monolayers in duplicate wells. C) Cells and inoculum are incubated by rocking for 1 hr at room temperature. D) Cells are overlaid with a 1:1 mixture of SeaPlaque agarose and 2x MEM media. E) Plates are incubated for 10 min at room temperature to allow the overlay to solidify. F) Staining of cells with the neutral red staining solution 48 hr post-infection.
Figure 4. MNV-1 forms plaques in cell monolayers. Shown here is a representative plaque assay plate 48 hr post-infection, showing plaques stained with neutral red staining solution after 1 hr of incubation. The plate shows duplicate wells of three 10-fold dilutions. Wells labeled with roman numbers I and IV correspond to the 10-1 dilution; II and V correspond to the 10-2 dilution; III and VI correspond to the 10-3 dilution. The viral titer of the sample is indicated below (see Section 4.5 for details of the calculation).
The plaque assay method for MNV-1 presented here is a way of quantifying infectious MNV particles. By following the assay steps illustrated in Figure 3, one can obtain reproducible viral titers. The limit of detection of the assay depends on the starting dilution used. When starting with a 1:10 dilution of sample as described above, the limit of detection of the plaque assay is 10 pfu (i.e., 1 plaque visible at the 10-1 dilution). Since each plaque represents a single virus, the plaque assay can also be used to purify clonal populations of MNV by picking isolated plaques and propagating them as described previously 1. In addition, plaque purifications can also be used to separate an individual virus population from mixed virus populations. A limitation of using a plaque assay for the detection of MNV infection is that not all MNV strains form plaques 4. However, it may be possible to overcome the inability of some MNV strains, isolated from animals, to form plaques by serially passaging these viruses in tissue culture 7. An alternative to the plaque assay is to measure infectious particles via the TCID50 technique 3, 4. This assay quantifies the amount of virus required to produce CPE in 50% of inoculated tissue culture cells following endpoint dilutions and takes 1 week to complete for MNV 4. In addition to being slower than a plaque assay, the TCID50 assay is also not as sensitive (limit of detection = 200 TCID50/ml) due to the toxicity of tissue samples to RAW 264.7 cells 4.
Although critical steps within the protocol have been described throughout the protocol, the following section provides a summary to facilitate trouble-shooting. The most critical step in the protocol is to ensure that RAW 264.7 cells remain viable throughout the assay to support virus replication. This can be monitored at each stage of the assay via light microscopy. Cell viability is ensured in two ways. First, care should be taken not to let cells dry out while handling plates. Thus, plates are inoculated one at a time, rocked during the infection period, and should remain closed whenever they are not being handled. Second, solutions added onto cells should be equilibrated to ~37 Β°C. Furthermore, it is vital for the overall health of the RAW 264.7 cells to maintain them in media containing low endotoxin serum (< 10 EU/ml), which limits activation of cells. In addition, we have observed a higher failure rate of the plaque assay when using cells from passage 30 or higher. Although this will likely vary from lab to lab, it is important to include a positive control (e.g., a sample with a known viral titer) to ensure reproducible titers, especially when using higher passage RAW 264.7 cells. To limit use of higher passage cells, it is advisable to freeze vials of early passage cells upon receipt of RAW 264.7 cells and start a new culture from the frozen vials frequently. Starting over with low passage cell cultures will also be helpful when cells exhibit altered characteristics, such as failure to adhere, changes in cell morphology (e.g. from round to spindly and spread out), or when mycoplasma contamination has been detected. Another important point to pay attention to is to ensure that pipette tips are changed between samples and during dilutions. This will ensure accurate serial dilutions and prevent cross-contamination between samples. The one step in the protocol where the same pipette tip can be used again is when serial dilutions of the same sample are added to wells. In that case, one should start from the most diluted inoculum to the least, and vigorously pipette up and down when drawing up a new dilution.
The plaque assay protocol is amendable to several modifications. One modification that can be made when there are not enough cells for inoculating wells in duplicate is to inoculate only a single well for each dilution. However, since the inoculum volume is 0.5 ml, the number of plaques then needs to be multiplied by a factor of 2 to normalize to pfu/ml. The plaque assay can also be adapted for use with any other adherent cell line that is able to support replication of MNV, and this has been described for the murine microglial BV-2 cell line 8. Other modifications that can be implemented are adaptations that have been described for plaque assay protocols developed for other viruses. In case of MNV, the following modifications have already been implemented successfully; the use of methyl cellulose instead of Sea Plaque agarose 9, and staining of cells with crystal violet or methylene blue instead of neutral red 10, 11.
Overall, this protocol can easily be adapted as needed to quantify other plaque-forming viruses or used for other viruses that cause lytic infections in RAW 264.7 cells, making it a useful tool to quantify infectious viral particles in general.
No conflicts of interest declared.
We thank members of the Wobus laboratory for critical comments and suggestions. Work in the laboratory of CEW was funded by start-up funds from the University of Michigan, a career development grant from the NIH/NIAID Regional Center of Excellence for Bio-defense and Emerging Infectious Diseases Research (RCE) Program, Region V 'Great Lakes' RCE (NIH award 1-U54-AI-057153) and NIH R01 AI080611. M.B.G.-H. was funded by the Experimental Immunology (NIH T32 A1007413-16) and the Molecular Mechanisms in Microbial Pathogenesis (NIH T32 A1007528) training grants to the University of Michigan. J.B.C. was funded by Coordenação de AperfeiΓ§oamento de Pessoal de NΓvel Superior (CAPES), Brasilia, Brazil.
Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
Name of the reagent | Company | Catalogue number | |
DMEM/ High glucose | Hyclone | SH30243.02 | |
2x MEM | Gibco | 11935 | |
100x Penicillin and streptomycin | Hyclone | SV30010 | |
10 mM Non-essential amino acids | Hyclone | SH30238.01 | |
1M HEPES | Hyclone | SH30237.01 | |
200 mM (100x) L-glutamine | Hyclone | SH30034.01 | |
Fetal Bovine Serum | Gibco, Hyclone | 10437, SH30070.02 | |
Sea Plaque Agarose | Lonza | 50100 | |
Neutral Red 0.33% | Sigma | N2889 | |
1x PBS | Gibco | 10010 | |
1.0 mm Zirconia/Silica beads | BioSpec Products | 11079110z | |
Model 35 Speed Rocker | Labnet | S2035 | |
Magna Lyser Instrument | Roche | 03358968001 | |
Raw 264.7 cell line | ATCC | TIB-71 | |
Tissue culture incubator | Sanyo | MCO-18AIC |
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