This article describes how to record amygdala activity with magnetoencephalography (MEG). In addition this article will describe how to conduct trace fear conditioning without awareness, a task that activates the amygdala. It will cover 3 topics: 1) Designing a trace conditioning paradigm using backward masking to manipulate awareness. 2) Recording brain activity during the task using magnetoencephalography. 3) Using source imaging to recover signal from subcortical structures.
In trace fear conditioning a conditional stimulus (CS) predicts the occurrence of the unconditional stimulus (UCS), which is presented after a brief stimulus free period (trace interval)1. Because the CS and UCS do not co-occur temporally, the subject must maintain a representation of that CS during the trace interval. In humans, this type of learning requires awareness of the stimulus contingencies in order to bridge the trace interval2-4. However when a face is used as a CS, subjects can implicitly learn to fear the face even in the absence of explicit awareness*. This suggests that there may be additional neural mechanisms capable of maintaining certain types of "biologically-relevant" stimuli during a brief trace interval. Given that the amygdala is involved in trace conditioning, and is sensitive to faces, it is possible that this structure can maintain a representation of a face CS during a brief trace interval.
It is challenging to understand how the brain can associate an unperceived face with an aversive outcome, even though the two stimuli are separated in time. Furthermore investigations of this phenomenon are made difficult by two specific challenges. First, it is difficult to manipulate the subject's awareness of the visual stimuli. One common way to manipulate visual awareness is to use backward masking. In backward masking, a target stimulus is briefly presented (< 30 msec) and immediately followed by a presentation of an overlapping masking stimulus5. The presentation of the mask renders the target invisible6-8. Second, masking requires very rapid and precise timing making it difficult to investigate neural responses evoked by masked stimuli using many common approaches. Blood-oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) responses resolve at a timescale too slow for this type of methodology, and real time recording techniques like electroencephalography (EEG) and magnetoencephalography (MEG) have difficulties recovering signal from deep sources.
However, there have been recent advances in the methods used to localize the neural sources of the MEG signal9-11. By collecting high-resolution MRI images of the subject's brain, it is possible to create a source model based on individual neural anatomy. Using this model to "image" the sources of the MEG signal, it is possible to recover signal from deep subcortical structures, like the amygdala and the hippocampus*.
Designing a trace conditioning paradigm using backward masking to block awareness
1. Design Stimuli
2. Program the Experiment using Presentation
Recording brain activity during the task using magnetoencephalography
3. Setup Equipment for Training at MEG Suite (See Figure 2)
4. Setup Equipment for Testing at MRI Suite
5. Setup Subject for Training at MEG Suite (See Figure 3)
6. Shock Workup
7. Response Device
8. Record MEG During Training
9. Setup Subject for Testing at MRI Suite
10. Record fMRI During Testing
Using source imaging to recover signal from subcortical structures.
11. Analyze Behavioral and fMRI Data
12. Preprocess MRI Volume
13. Preprocess MEG Recordings using Brainstorm11
14. Analyze Evoked Responses using Brainstorm
15. Perform Time-frequency Decompositions on ROI using Brainstorm
Using the methods described here, our investigations have led to two major findings: 1) It is possible to manipulate awareness of visual CSs during trace conditioning, and still show evidence of learning. 2) It is possible to recover MEG signals from the amygdala using source imaging*.
In Section 2, we described how to manipulate awareness of visual CSs with backward masking. When exposed to a masked stimulus that is displayed for ~30 msec, the subjects are generally unaware of the stimulus presentation5,6,8*. One way to verify the success of this manipulation is to measure the subjects' ability to predict the occurrence of the UCS. If the masking manipulation is successful, subjects should be unable to accurately predict the occurrence of the UCS based on the CS type (See Figure 4).
Although the timing in this type of training makes it difficult to directly measure learning during the training session. It is possible to indirectly measure learning by exposing them to a subsequent unmasked reacquisition testing session with new and old stimuli5*. If subjects are able to learn about the contingencies during the training phase, they should show larger magnitude differential (CS+ > CS-) SCRs to the old stimuli relative to the new stimuli. This effect is apparent in the Unfiltered group when we look at testing phase trials after the subjects have been re-exposed to the CS-UCS contingencies (i.e. Trials 2-5; See Figure 4).
In Section 8, we described how to record MEG during the masked trace conditioning session. Using source imaging to process these recordings, it is possible to recover MEG signal from subcortical structures like the amygdala18*. Subjects shown unfiltered face (N = 9) CSs exhibit larger amygdala responses (Figure 5) and gamma oscillations (Figure 6) than subjects shown high-pass filtered faces (N = 9). In addition, these subjects also show larger responses in a network of face processing regions like the occipital face area (Figure 7 and Supplemental Video).
Figure 1. Schematic depicting a typical training session. Present 60 trials of a CS+ and 60 trials of a CS-, in pseudorandom order, such that there are 4 blocks of 15 trials each. Present the CSs for 30 msec, immediately followed by an 970 msec mask that coterminates with the shock UCS on CS+ trials.
Figure 2. Schematic depicting the equipment used in a typical conditioning experiment. This setup makes it possible to: 1) present visual stimuli via the Presentation software, 2) administer an electrical stimulation UCS via the Psylab hardware (SAM), 3) record UCS expectancy using an axis device (dial) attached to the presentation computer, and 4) synchronize the stimulus presentations and responses with the MEG recordings via the MEG acquisition system interface.
Figure 3. Illustration showing the location of each of the sensors and fiducial points described in Section 5. Dots with attached lines correspond to the labeled sensors and leads. Blue arrows represent the fiducial points used to register the MEG recordings with the MRI anatomical volume. Purple points represent digitized scalp points used to further refine the MEG-MRI coregistration.
Figure 4. Behavioral results from a typical conditioning study. The graph on the left shows UCS expectancy across the training session, collapsed across the Unfiltered and Filtered groups. Notice that subjects are showing similar levels of UCS expectancy for the CS+ and CS- across the 60 trials, suggesting that the masking procedure blocked their ability to discriminate between the CSs (F(1,17) = 2.19; p = 0.16). The graph on the right shows the differential SCRs during the testing session. Notice that the Unfiltered, but not the Filtered group seems to be showing larger differential SCRs to the Old stimuli than the New stimuli (Unfiltered New/Old x CS+/CS- interaction: F(1,7) = 5.94; p = 0.045; Filtered New/Old x CS+/CS- interaction: F(1,7) = 1.13; p = 0.32), suggesting that the training leads to better reacquisition of the CS-UCS associations for these subjects. (*p < 0.05).
Figure 5. MEG results from a typical conditioning experiment. The figure on the left shows the 3d models of the amygdala (orange), hippocampus (green), and cerebral cortex used to model the sources of the MEG signal. The graph on the right represents activity from an amygdala cluster modeled from the MEG recordings. The light colored line represents the activity evoked by Unfiltered faces, while the dark colored line represents the activity evoked by Filtered faces. Vertical gray shaded sections represent time intervals where Unfiltered faces evoke significantly larger responses than Filtered faces (F(1,17) > 3.44; p < 0.05). Click here to view larger figure.
Figure 6. Amygdala time frequency results from a typical conditioning experiment. The figure on the left shows the 3d models of the amygdala (orange), hippocampus (green), and cerebral cortex used to model the sources of the MEG signal. The graph on the right represents the MEG signal recorded from the amygdala broken down by time and frequency. Warm colors represent regions in the spectrograph that show significantly more power for unfiltered faces than for filtered faces. Cool colors represent the opposite. Regions with the striped overlay represent significant differences across the groups. Click here to view larger figure.
Figure 7. Figure showing occipital face area activation in a typical conditioning experiment. Colors represent the magnitude of the Unfiltered > Filtered t-test at the corresponding dipole. Warm colors represent larger responses to Unfiltered faces than to Filtered faces. Cool colors represent larger responses to Filtered faces than to Unfiltered faces.
Supplemental Video. Video showing cortical responses in a typical conditioning experiment. Colors represent the magnitude of the Unfiltered > Filtered t-test at the corresponding dipole. Warm colors represent larger responses to Unfiltered faces than to Filtered faces. Cool colors represent larger responses to Filtered faces than to Unfiltered faces. Click here to view supplemental movie.
In this paper we describe methods 1) to manipulate subjects' awareness of target CSs during a trace fear conditioning paradigm. 2) and to recover MEG signal from the amygdala during trace fear conditioning without awareness. Using these methodologies, we were able to show that trace conditioning without awareness is possible when faces are used to predict the UCS. This result suggests that faces receive special processing even when presented below the perceptual detection threshold*. Consistent with this conclusion we found that broad spectrum faces evoke robust amygdala responses and bursts of gamma oscillations during the trace interval. This result suggests that the amygdala is capable of maintaining a representation of a face CS during a brief trace interval.
Although presented together, these two methods can be used independently as well. For instance it is possible to use backward masking to manipulate target visibility in other paradigms where behavior may be affected by emotional cues processed below the level of conscious awareness5,6,8*. In addition, using the source imaging approach described here it is possible to create 3d models of other subcortical structures, and it may be possible to recover signal from these structures during other region specific tasks. For instance, by using source imaging to model hippocampal activity, it may be possible recover MEG signal from hippocampal sources during tasks like spatial navigation.
The methods described here were designed with two goals in mind: 1) block awareness of the target stimuli, 2) and maximize the ability to detect stimulus evoked amygdala responses using MEG. These design constraints make it difficult to measure the subjects' implicit knowledge of the stimulus contingencies. For instance, SCRs resolve over the course of several seconds5,13; however, the CSs are only presented for ~30 msec during training, and the shock is presented shortly after (~900 msec). Given these time constraints, CR expression will be inevitably confounded by UCR expression during training. Because of this colinearity, it is necessary to test the subjects' knowledge of the stimulus contingencies using a subsequent unmasked testing session. However a testing session at the end of the experiment is not optimal because SCRs tend to habituate over the course of the experiment1. Given the number of trials needed to show reliable evoked responses with MEG, this SCR habituation will decrease considerably the power to detect a behavioral effect of the training. Future studies should focus on finding better ways to index implicit learning during fear conditioning with masked CSs. This could be done by either finding an alternative index of fear during the training (i.e. pupil dilation19,20) or find a more sensitive measure of fear that can be administered after the training session.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
This study was supported by the National Institute of Mental Health (MH060668 and MH069558).
Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
Software | |||
Matlab | Mathworks | | |
Presentation | Neurobehavioral Systems | | |
Psylab | Contact Precision Instruments | | |
AFNI | NIMH - Scientific and Statistical Computing Core | | |
Freesurfer | Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging | | |
MNE | Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging | | |
Brainstorm | open-source collaboration | | |
3d Slicer | open-source collaboration | | |
Paraview | Kitware | | |
Table 1. Software used Software used. | |||
Equipment | |||
Physiological Monitoring System | |||
Psylab stand alone monitor (x2) | Contact Precision Instruments | SAM | |
Skin conductance amplifier | Contact Precision Instruments | SC5 | |
Shock stimulator (x2) | Contact Precision Instruments | SHK1 | |
Additional Components | |||
8-bit synchronization cable (x2) | Contact Precision Instruments | Included with SAM | |
8-bit to 2-bit isolation adapter | N/A | Custom | |
DB25 ribbon cable (x2) | N/A | Standard | |
Shielded extension cable (x3) | Contact Precision Instruments | CL41 | |
Radiotranslucent cup electrodes for SCR and shock (x6) | Biopac | EL258-RT | |
Signa Gel | Parker Laboratories | 15-250 | |
Response Device | |||
Rotary dial with gameport connector (x2) | N/A | Custom | |
Gameport-to-gameport/BNC splitter | N/A | Custom | |
BNC cable | N/A | Standard | |
Gameport-to-USB adapter (x2) | Rockfire | RM203U | |
Additional Components for MEG Setup | |||
HPI coils and wiring harness | N/A | Custom | |
HPI positioning system | Inition | Polhemus Isotrak | |
Table 2. Equipment used. |
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