* These authors contributed equally
This article presents a convenient and rapid method for visualizing different neuronal cell populations in the central nervous system of Xenopus embryos using immunofluorescent staining on sections.
Primary neurogenesis is a dynamic and complex process during embryonic development that sets up the initial layout of the central nervous system. During this process, a portion of neural stem cells undergo differentiation and give rise to the first populations of differentiated primary neurons within the nascent central nervous system. Several vertebrate model organisms have been used to explore the mechanisms of neural cell fate specification, patterning, and differentiation. Among these is the African clawed frog, Xenopus, which provides a powerful system for investigating the molecular and cellular mechanisms responsible for primary neurogenesis due to its rapid and accessible development and ease of embryological and molecular manipulations. Here, we present a convenient and rapid method to observe the different populations of neuronal cells within Xenopus central nervous system. Using antibody staining and immunofluorescence on sections of Xenopus embryos, we are able to observe the locations of neural stem cells and differentiated primary neurons during primary neurogenesis.
In vertebrates, the development of the central nervous system comprises several distinctive yet consecutive stages. The first step is neural induction, when naive ectodermal cells are specified toward a neural fate rather than an epidermal fate. Several interconnected regulatory mechanisms are involved during this stage in Xenopus and other model systems 1,2. This process is primarily coordinated by secreted factors produced by the underlying mesoderm, such as chordin, noggin, and follistatin 3-7. After neural induction, a subset of neural progenitors exit the cell cycle and begin to differentiate in a process referred to as primary neurogenesis. Not all neuronal precursors differentiate at this time. The remaining neural precursor cells continue to proliferate, thereby maintaining the stem cell pool needed for continued growth of central nervous system throughout development and into adulthood.
These proliferating neural precursor cells are characterized by their expression of the SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 3 (sox3) gene 8-11. The other population of cells, which exit the cell cycle and commit to a differentiated fate, are identified by the expression of the differentiation gene markers, tubulin, beta 2B class IIb (tubb2b,N-tub) and myelin transcription factor 1 (myt1) 12-14. Such differentiated neuronal cells eventually give rise to different categories of neurons including, but not limited to, motor, inter-, and sensory neurons positioned in distinct areas within the neural tube 15-17.
While significant efforts have been devoted to uncovering the regulatory mechanisms that govern the patterning and fate determining events in the anterior neuroectoderm, less attention has been made on investigating the neurogenic events that occur following the initial patterning stage. Indeed, signal transduction, transcriptional regulations, as well as post-translational modifications are all involved in this later stage, controlling both timing and lineage specification during neurogenesis 18-20. Further investigations into these mechanisms require a reliable method to easily visualize and distinguish different populations of neuronal cells. The above-mentioned neural markers, including, Sox3, Myt1, and N-tub, can provide a means for identifying these different cell populations, thus providing the necessary foundations for revealing the underlying mechanisms of neuronal differentiation 21-23.
Although differential labeling of neuronal cell populations have been demonstrated in other model organisms, relatively few studies have exploited the Xenopus system to its fullest in this regard. This is mainly due to a paucity of compatible antibodies that reliably identify the various neuronal cell populations in the neural tube. Here, we describe a method for visualizing neuronal differentiation in early Xenopus embryos via immunostaining, which provides a robust and convenient approach for investigating primary neurogenesis in Xenopus. This protocol should give sufficient guidance for researchers interested in the early development of Xenopus central nervous system between stage 26 and stage 45.
All animal experiments were approved from the University of Manchester Animal Welfare Centre and were covered by a UK Home Office Project License.
1. Collection and Fixation of Xenopus Embryos
2. Mounting and Cryosectioning of Xenopus Embryos
3. Immunostaining of Sectioned Xenopus Embryos
The representative results show cross-sections of stage 30 Xenopus embryos at different levels, namely the forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain, and spinal cord, stained with different antibodies (Figure 4). As mentioned, Sox3-labeled neuronal progenitor cell population locates in the proximity of the lumen of the neural tube, while MyT1-labeled differentiated primary neurons migrate outward and locate near the marginal layer (basal lamina) of the neural tube. Anti-acetyl-tubulin labels axons in differentiated neurons, which can be observed within the whole neural tube.
Side-specific gene knockdown or overexpression is a broadly used method in neurobiology to evaluate whether modulating the expression of specific gene(s) disrupts the growth and differentiation of neuronal cells. In such cases, either Morpholinos (MOs) or DNA construct(s) carrying promoter-driven gene(s) are injected into one of the two blastomeres at two-cell stage 23. Alternatively, they can be injected into the brain ventricle followed by electroporation, which will result in knockdown or over-expression of desired gene(s) 27. In both cases, the effects will be restricted to one side of the embryo, making the opposite side of the embryo as untreated internal control.
After fixation, sectioning, and immunostaining, the impacts of gene knockdown/over-expression are quantified by counting and comparing the cell numbers of different populations at both sides of embryo. By accumulating these data from several embryos, statistical analysis can be performed. In our representative results, no perturbation was made in the embryos. Examples of gene perturbation and their effects on different neuronal cell populations can be found in the references 20,23.
Figure 1: Embryo arrangement and orientation in the section mould. (A) A cartoon depiction showing the mounting assembly, note the tray has been labelled with the date, stage, and the orientation of embryos. (B) An image showing the natural appearance of the mounting assembly. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: The orientation and position of the gelatin block on the sample holding disc. (A) A cartoon depiction showing the section block assembly, note that embryos are in a "heads up" position and the gelatin block is firmly fixed onto the sample holding disc by the tissue-freezing medium at the base (see Figure 2B). (B) An image showing the natural appearance of the section block assembly, note the accumulation of the tissue-freezing medium between the gelatin block and the sample holding disc. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Continuous sectioning. (A) Model of a section chamber. The sample holding disc should be rotated and fixed to the position that the embryo side is facing up. After a few (6-10) sections, the long strip of continuous section tiles are gently separated from the blade (blue) using a fine brush, and then turned 90° on the holding plate. Then a room-temp positively charged slide is firmly pressed onto the section strip facing down and immediately lifted up to collected finished strips. (B) Normally, each slide can accommodate 2 parallel lines of strips, as shown. Remember to make detailed record on the slide label using pencil. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: Cross-section of stage 30 X. laevis tadpoles and staining in the neural tissue, 20X. (A) Schematics indicating the relative positions (forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain, and spinal cord) of section planes on Xenopus tadpoles. (B) Corresponding cross-sections stained with anti-Sox3 (Red), anti-acetylated-tubulin (Green), and DAPI (Blue), showing the relative locations of neural stem cell pools as well as neurofilaments within the neural tube. (C) Corresponding cross-sections stained with anti-MyT1 (Red) and DAPI (Blue), showing the relative locations of differentiated primary neurons within the neural tube. Scale bar = 20 µm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Here we demonstrate a convenient and efficient method for visualizing primary neurogenesis in Xenopus embryos. This method permits the assessment of different types of neural cells, including neuronal stem cells and differentiated primary neurons using cell type-specific markers.
The protocol is generally robust with very high level of reproducibility. For embryos that are at pre-hatching stages (i.e. up to stage 28), we recommend manually removing the vitelline membrane prior to fixation as this allows embryos to fully uncurl before fixation. This is especially important when collecting embryos at relatively early stages (before hatching), since bent embryos are extremely difficult to arrange at the desired orientation inside the mounting chamber. We have not experienced a loss of immunogenicity after MEMFA or PFA fixation hence additional antigen retrieval step is not necessary for this protocol. In addition, this immunostaining procedure can be carried out in samples from chromogenic/fluorescent in situ hybridization. In such scenario, it is recommended to skip the protease K treatment step during the in situ hybridization protocol. After chromogenic/fluorescent substrate reaction, samples can be washed with TBS and embedded in fish gelatin solution in a similar way to MEMFA/PFA fixed samples. Sample vials can be protected from light by wrapping the vials in aluminum foil if fluorescent in situ hybridization will be imaged together with immunofluorescent staining later.
In some cases, embryos may shrink excessively after gelatin penetration. This is most likely caused by either insufficient fixation or insufficient TBS-Triton extraction. Ensure that embryos have been fixed in PFA/MEMFA for at least 2-3 hr or preferably overnight at 4 °C. If the problem persists, increase the washing time of TBS-Triton to 3 for 1 hr.
During cryo-sectioning, the rigidity of sample block may vary as different batches of fish gelatin have different properties. This problem can be partially compensated by adjusting the temperature of the microtome. A lower temperature will result in a "harder" sample block however under excessive low temperature the sample block becomes crisp and difficult to section. Some fine-tuning or practice (using mock sample blocks without embryos) before each sectioning may be beneficial prior to use on particularly valuable samples.
A commonly encountered problem during sectioning is the thin sections sometimes tend to stick onto the thick glass plate rather than stay flat on the steel stage. This can be particularly disrupting since it constantly interrupts the continuous sectioning process. Such cases are usually caused by one of two reasons: the section chamber and (especially) the thick glass plate not being cold enough, or excessive static charge on the machine and the operator, especially in dry weather. The former can be solved by turning down the temperature of the section chamber and leaving the glass plate within for extra time (possibly overnight); and the latter by properly grounding the cryostat. Connecting the metal surface of the cryostat to a metal tap or similar water tubing system made of metal can be an alternative way to release the static charges. After each use, the thick glass plate should be washed well with non-corrosive detergent (such as dishwashing liquid), rinsed by ultrapure water, sprayed with pure ethanol, and wrapped in towel paper to protect the surface and edges from damaging.
The antibodies listed in the protocol are generally specific and we rarely encounter nonspecific adsorption or high background signal. It should be noted that, if using heat-inactivated goat/lamb serum as blocking agent, excessive heat-inactivation (as visualized by the formation of fluffy precipitant in the serum) should be avoided as this precipitant is highly attractive to secondary antibodies and may contribute to a source of high background.
It is possible, and sometimes desired, to perform double-staining to visualize different populations of neuronal cells simultaneously. Such double-staining is possible and generally gives satisfactory results with the following combinations: Sox3/N-tub or Myt1/N-tub. However, double-staining of Sox3 and Myt1 is complicated by the fact that the two antibodies are both from rabbit origin. We have tested several antibody direct labeling kits, however no satisfactory results were observed (low signal-to-noise level), possibly due to the lack of signal amplification from secondary antibodies. One possible approach to circumvent this problem would be to raise transgenic lines in Xenopus, as discussed below.
One of the main restrictions of this protocol is that, while this protocol could sufficiently distinguish two main pools of neuronal cells, namely, the Sox3-expressing neural stem cell pool and the Myt1-expressing differentiated neurons, it lacks the ability to reveal different sub-populations of differentiated neurons. Such sub-populations, which including, but are not limited to, primary motor neurons, interneurons, and sensory neurons, are usually characterized by their differentially-expressed marker genes 28-30. As mentioned above, recent advances in the development of multicolor in situ hybridization combined with antibody-based immunofluorescence detection method in Xenopus embryos may fill in the gap to reveal these sub-populations of differentiated neurons for potential investigation 31. Alternatively, as has been demonstrated in mice model, it would also be desired to raise a more comprehensive set of cell type-specific antibodies to distinguish such different cell populations in Xenopus.
It is also worth mentioning that, as an addition to this method, recent advances in optical imaging and image analysis, such as multiphoton microscopy, 3D reconstruction, and segmentation, can also be applied after initial assessments to achieve more comprehensive observations of Xenopus oocytes as well as early embryos, particularly under a live setting 32,33. Therefore, to track proliferation, differentiation, and movement of neuronal cells in live animals, it would be desired to establish one or more transgenic lines that harbor fluorescent proteins driven by cell type-specific promoter to allow live observation of such cell populations in early Xenopus embryos. The establishment of a X. laevis line with neuro-specific β-tubulin promoter driving tauGFP and its applications have provided a nice example 23,34. With the full promoter sequences of both sox3 and myt1 characterized in vertebrates 35-37, it is should be relatively easy to establish additional transgenic lines in Xenopus which should contribute extensively to both the Xenopus community and a more general field of primary neurogenesis research.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
We thank Prof. Michael Klymkowsky in the University of Colorado at Boulder and Prof. Nancy Papalopulu in the University of Manchester for kindly providing anti-Sox3 and anti-Myt1 antibodies, respectively. We thank the members of the Papalopulu lab for their insightful suggestions in developing this protocol. This work was supported by two Healing Foundation Studentships to SZ and JL, two project grants from the Healing Foundation to SZ/EA and JL/EA respectively, one program grant from the Wellcome Trust to EA (WT082450MA), and one Institutional Strategic Support grant from the Wellcome Trust [097820/Z/11/Z].
Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
gentamicin | Sigma-Aldrich | G1397 | |
Tris-HCl | Sigma-Aldrich | T3253 | |
Tris-base | Sigma-Aldrich | T1503 | |
NaCl | Sigma-Aldrich | S7653 | |
KCl | Sigma-Aldrich | 746436 | |
MgSO4 | Sigma-Aldrich | 746452 | |
CaCl2 | Sigma-Aldrich | 793639 | |
HEPES | Sigma-Aldrich | H3375 | |
MOPS | Sigma-Aldrich | RDD003 | |
EGTA | Sigma-Aldrich | E3889 | |
37% formaldehyde | Sigma-Aldrich | F8775 | |
Gelatin from cold water fish skin | Sigma-Aldrich | G7765 | |
Sucrose | Sigma-Aldrich | S7903 | |
Base Mould Disposable 15Mm X 15Mm X 5Mm Simport | VWR | EMB-200-015A | |
Base Mould Disposable 7Mm X 7Mm X 5Mm Simport | VWR | EMB-200-010K | |
Superfrost Plus slides | ThermoFisher | 12-550-15 | |
Tissue Freezing Medium (OCT) | Leica | 14020108926 | |
Cryostat | Leica | CM3050 | |
Gloves | |||
Dry Ice | |||
Triton X-100 | Sigma-Aldrich | X100 | |
85-90°C Heat block | |||
PAP pen | Sigma-Aldrich | Z377821 | |
Acetone, analytical grade | |||
Staining jar with slide racks | |||
Click-lock food box of appropriate size (has the capacity to hold 1-2 6-well plate inside) | |||
anti-acetylated tubulin | Sigma-Aldrich | T7451 | |
Anti-mouse IgG (H+L), F(ab')2 Fragment (Alexa Fluor® 488 Conjugate) | Cell Signaling | 4408 | |
Anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), F(ab')2 Fragment (Alexa Fluor® 555 Conjugate) | Cell Signaling | 4413 | |
Alexa Fluor® 647 Phalloidin | Cell Signaling | 8940 | |
DAPI | Cell Signaling | 4083 | |
ProLong Gold Antifade Mountant | Life Technologies | P36930 |
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