Here, we present a protocol for hydraulic extrusion of the spinal cord as well as identification and isolation of specific dorsal root ganglia (DRGs) in the same rodent. Compared to standard spinal cord isolation methods, this method is significantly faster and reduces the risk of tissue damage.
Traditionally, the spinal cord is isolated by laminectomy, i.e. by breaking open the spinal vertebrae one at a time. This is both time consuming and may result in damage to the spinal cord caused by the dissection process. Here, we show how the spinal cord can be extruded using hydraulic pressure. Handling time is significantly reduced to only a few minutes, likely decreasing protein damage. The low risk of damage to the spinal cord tissue improves subsequent immunohistochemical analysis. By performing hydraulic spinal cord extrusion instead of traditional laminectomy, the rodents can further be used for DRG isolation, thereby lowering the number of animals and allowing analysis across tissues from the same rodent. We demonstrate a consistent method to identify and isolate the DRGs according to their localization relative to the costae. It is, however, important to adjust this method to the particular animal used, as the number of spinal cord segments, both thoracic and lumbar, may vary according to animal type and strain. In addition, we illustrate further processing examples of the isolated tissues.
The overall goal of this method is to isolate the spinal cord as well as to identify and isolate DRGs1,2. Hydraulic extrusion of the spinal cord is a significantly faster method than the traditional way of spinal cord isolation by laminectomy, i.e. by breaking the spinal vertebrae one at a time, and this method reduces the risk of tissue damage caused by the dissection process3,4. DRGs may be difficult to identify. Correct identification is highly important for tissue analysis, e.g. following sciatic nerve injury. By numbering the DRGs according to their localization relative to the costae, DRGs can be identified consistently.
Tissue isolated by the techniques demonstrated here can be applied to a broad range of analyses including Western blotting5,6, qPCR7 and immunohistochemical staining8.
When identifying DRGs, it is important to take into account that the number of spinal cord segments is known to vary with animal type and strain9,10,11. The advantages in performing this method in mice are the high number of genetically modified variants available and the relatively low housing expenses. The advantages in using rats are the relatively high tissue yield and if involving nerve injuries, the procedure will be eased with size.
All animals were handled in full compliance with Danish and European regulations. Permission number: 2012-15-2934.
1. Preparation of the Syringe for Hydraulic Extrusion of the Spinal Cord
2. Euthanasia
3. Isolation of the Spinal Column
4. Hydraulic Extrusion of the Spinal Cord
Figure 1: Representative spinal cords. Hydraulically extruded spinal cords. Left to right: adult rat, adult mouse, mouse pup. Lumbar enlargements marked by box. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
5. Identification of Dorsal Root Ganglia (DRGs)
Figure 2: Identification of DRGs in spinal column after extrusion of spinal cord. The spinal column has been split allowing visualization of DRGs as indicated by arrows. Exemplified by adult rat and mouse pup. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
6. Isolation of DRGs
Figure 3: Representative isolated DRGs. Left to right: adult rat, adult mouse, mouse pup. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
7. Processing of Tissues for Further Analysis
Hydraulically extruded spinal cords display a smooth undamaged surface shown in Figure 1. The lumbar enlargement can easily be identified as the thickened area of the spinal cord, boxed in Figure 1. The dorsal and ventral sides of the spinal cord can be identified by eye according to the morphology. In Figure 1, the ventral side is facing the viewer, identifiable by one clear midline along the entire spinal cord. Two broader lines along the spinal cord allow identification of the dorsal side. At the distal-most end, the cauda equina may sometimes remain attached in adult rats and adult mice.
Individual DRGs can only be identified while located in the spinal column, Figure 2. Following isolation, Figure 3, the individual DRGs cannot be identified by appearance. If needed, it is therefore important to keep them clearly separated upon isolation. After isolation, the spinal cord and DRGs can be processed and stained as outlined in step 7.3 and represented in Figure 4. Figure 4a shows an immunohistochemical staining of a DRG section where the neurons and their surrounding satellite glial cells are clearly visible. By correct identification of the DRG it is possible to analyze the effect of sciatic nerve injuries on the soma of the injured neuron as well as on their surrounding satellite glial cells. Figure 4b shows a Nissl staining of a hydraulically extruded spinal cord where the tissue is intact as reflected by the smooth edges of the section.
Figure 4: Representative tissue sections. A. Immunohistochemical staining of DRG section. B. Nissl stained section of hydraulically extruded spinal cord. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
If the spinal column is disturbed, e.g. by cervical dislocation, the spinal cord will split during extrusion. If the spinal cord cannot be extruded, the spinal column may be trimmed slightly at both ends and the extrusion attempt can be repeated. In case the entire spinal cord is needed for further analysis, i.e. consisting of the cervical enlargement as well as the lumbar enlargement, the spinal column should only be trimmed slightly. If only the lumbar enlargement is needed for further analysis, the spinal cord should be trimmed according to the present protocol. The spinal column should be straightened using the fingertips to ease extrusion.
The protocol is applicable to rodents of all ages and is here exemplified by an adult mouse (8 weeks), a mouse pup (5 days) and an adult rat (10 weeks). Depending on animal type and strain, the number of thoracic and lumbar sections may vary9,10,11. Depending on the proteins to be analyzed, adult rodents may be perfused with enzyme-inhibiting solutions prior to euthanasia. If performing an experiment involving one-sided nerve injury, the spinal cord can be split into ipsilateral and contralateral sides using ultra-fine tweezers immediately after extrusion. Further, each side can be split into dorsal and ventral sides. The tissue can then be processed for further analyses, e.g. Western blotting.
Transcardial perfusion-fixation with PFA prior to spinal cord extrusion should be avoided, as this renders the spinal cord non-flexible and prevents spinal cord hydraulic extrusion. Hydraulic spinal cord extrusion will tear off the dorsal roots. For experiments where attached dorsal roots are necessary, laminectomy is recommended. Furthermore, spinal meninges are lost by hydraulic extrusion, which can be avoided by standard laminectomy3.
Hydraulic extrusion of the spinal cord and DRG isolation could also be performed using oxygenated artificial cerebrospinal fluid (ACSF) instead of ice-cold PBS. The use of ACSF allows preservation of the isolated tissue in a better physiological environment, which is particularly important in case of subsequent electrophysiological recordings12,13. An alternative to ACSF could be PBS containing 1 g/L glucose for generation of primary DRG cultures14.
Hydraulic extrusion of the spinal cord is a significantly faster method than the traditional way of spinal cord isolation by laminectomy, reducing tissue-handling time and therefore decreasing the risk of protein damage. Perfusion with a fixative prior to isolating the spinal cord by laminectomy may reduce the risk of tissue damage during dissection and during final removal of the spinal cord from the spinal column. However, tissue fixation precludes its applicability to analyses such as Western blotting. Hydraulic extrusion yields structurally undamaged tissue3 suitable for a broader range of analyses.
Consistent identification of DRGs may be difficult. However, this is essential for tissue analysis, e.g. following sciatic nerve injury. By numbering the DRGs according to their localization relative to the costae, DRGs can be identified consistently. Staining of spinal cord tissue as well as of DRGs may be optimized by performing the illustrated tissue treatment variations outlined in protocol step 7.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
We would like to acknowledge David Kiel, Aarhus University, for filming and editing. VirtualDub software was used for processing of microscope video sequences. We thank the Danish Research Institute of Translational Neuroscience - DANDRITE, Nordic EMBL Partnership, for access to equipment and the Aarhus University Research Foundation, EU 7FP project PAINCAGE, Det Frie Forskningsrad (DFF) and The Lundbeck Foundation for funding.
Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
Bonn scissors, extra fine, straight, 8.5 cm | F.S.C. (Fine Science Tools) | # 14084-08 | For cutting open the spinal cord prior to isolation of DRGs (adult mouse, adult rat); Other manufacturer may be used |
Centrifuge | Eppendorf | # 5427 R | For centrifugation of homogenized tissue |
Cryostat microtome | Leica Biosystems | # CM 3050 S | For cutting the embedded tissue prior to staining; Other model and manufacturer may be used |
Forceps, Dumont, # 3 | F.S.C. (Fine Science Tools) | # 11231-30 | For handling of spinal cord after extrusion; Other manufacturer/type may be used |
Forceps, Dumont, # 5 | F.S.C. (Fine Science Tools) | # 11252-20 | For isolation of DRGs (adult mouse, adult rat, pup); Other manufacturer may be used |
Isoflurane (furane) IsoFlo Vet 100 % | Abbott | # 002185 | For euthanization; Other manufacturer may be used; CAUTION: toxic |
Iso-pentane GPR rectapur | VWR chemicals | # 24872.298 | For snap-freezing of tissue; Other manufacturer may be used; CAUTION: toxic |
Microtome | Leica Biosystems | # RM 2155 | For sectioning of paraffin embedded tissue; Other model and manufacturer may be used |
Paraffin wax pellets | Sigma-Aldrich | # 76243 | For paraffin embedding; Other manufacturer may be used |
Paraffin tissue embedding station | Leica Biosystems | # EG1160 | For paraffin embedding of tissue for later sectionning; Other model and manufacturer may be used |
Pellet pestel, motor cordless | Sigma-Aldrich | # Z359971-1EA | For mechanical homogenization of isolated tissue prior to Western blotting; Other manufacturer may be used |
Petri dish, 35 mm | Thermo Fischer Scientific | # 121V | For storage of isolated DRGs; Other manufacturer and size may be used |
Petri dish, 100 mm | Sigma-Aldrich | # P7741 | For spinal cord extrusion; Other manufacturer and size may be used |
Phosphatase inhibitor, Phosstop | Sigma-Aldrich | # 04906845001 | Phosphatase inhibitor cocktail for addition to TNE-lysis buffer if needed; Other manufacturer may be used |
Pipette tip, 1-200 μl, no filter | Sarstedt | # 70.1189.105 | For hydraulic extrusion; Other manufacturer may be used |
Protease inhibitor, Complete | Sigma-Aldrich | # 05892791001 | Protease inhibitor cocktail for addition to TNE-lysis buffer if needed; Other manufacturer may be used |
RNAlater solution | Sigma-Aldrich | # R0901 | For RNA stabilization for storage; Other manufacturer may be used |
Rneasy Protect Mini KiT | Qiagen | # 74124 | For RNA isolation; Other manufacturer may be used |
Scalpel; Swann-Morton surgical blade no. 11 | Swann-Morton | # REF0203 | For isolation of spinal cord lumbar area; Other manufacturer/type may be used |
Scissors, straight, type 3, 25 mm cutting edge | Bochem | # 4070 | For isolation of spine; Other manufacturer/type may be used |
Scissors, 130 mm cutting edge | Hounisen | # 1902.0130 | For isolation of spinal cord (adult rat) |
Spring scissors, straight, 8 mm cutting edge | F.S.C. (Fine Science Tools) | # 15009-08 | For cutting open the spinal column prior to isolation of DRGs (pup) and for isolation of DRGs (adult mouse, adult rat, pup); Other manufacturer may be used |
Standard syringes, 2.5 ml, 5 ml, 10 ml | Terumo | # SS02SE1; # SS05SE1; # SS10SE1 | For hydraulic extrusion; Other manufacturer may be used |
Stereomicroscope MZ12.5 with objective 1x and eyepiece 10x | Leica | # 10446370 | Other manufacturer/type may be used |
Sterile PBS | GIBCO | # 10010-015 | For hydraulic extrusion; Can also be made according to standard protocols |
Syringe needle 23 G x 1", 0.6 x 25 mm | Terumo Neolus | # NN-2325R | For hydraulic extrusion in pups; Other manufacturer/type may be used |
Syringe needle 18 G x 1 1/2, 1.2 x 40 mm | Terumo Neolus | # NN-1838S | Alternative to pipette tip for hydraulic extrusion in adult mice; Other manufacturer may be used |
Tissue-Tek | Sakura | # 4583 | Tssue embedding material for later cryosectionning |
TNE-lysis buffer | VWR chemicals | # 10128-582 | For tissue lysis prior to Western blotting; Other manufacturer may be used; Can also be made according to standard protocols |
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