This protocol describes the generation of mixed murine bone marrow chimeras with spontaneous autoimmune germinal centers, in which autoreactive lymphocytes carry a photoactivatable green fluorescent protein (PA-GFP) reporter. This provides the ability to link cellular location in tissues with downstream molecular and functional analyses.
Autoimmune diseases present a significant health burden. Fundamental questions regarding the development and progression of autoimmune disease remain unanswered. One requirement for advancements in our understanding of the underlying disease mechanisms and cellular dynamics is the precise coupling of the microanatomical location of cell subsets with downstream molecular or functional analyses; a goal that has traditionally been difficult to achieve. The development of stable photoactivatable biological fluorophores and their integration into reporter strains has recently enabled precise microanatomical labeling and tracking of cellular subsets in murine models. Here, we describe how the ability to analyze autoreactive lymphocytes from single germinal centers may help to provide novel insights into autoimmunity, using the combination of a novel chimeric model of autoimmunity with a photoactivatable reporter as an example. We demonstrate a procedure for generating mixed chimeras with spontaneous autoreactive germinal centers populated by lymphocytes carrying a photoactivatable green fluorescent protein reporter. Using in vivo labeling strategies, single germinal centers can be visualized in explanted lymphoid tissues and their cellular constituents photoactivated by two-photon microscopy. Photoactivated lymphocytes from single germinal centers can then be analyzed or sorted flow cytometrically, as single cells or in bulk, and may be subjected to additional downstream molecular and functional analyses. This approach may directly be applied to provide renewed insights in the field of autoimmunity, but the procedure for generating bone marrow chimeras and the photoactivation procedure may additionally find broad application in studies of infectious diseases and tumor metastases.
The incidence of autoimmune disease has risen rapidly in the past decades, particularly in Western societies. Today, autoimmune disease ranks third on the list of most prevalent causes of morbidity and mortality in the Western world1. Fundamental questions regarding the development and progression of autoimmune disease remain unanswered. One requirement for advancements in our understanding of the underlying disease mechanisms and cellular dynamics is the precise coupling of the microanatomical location of cell subsets with downstream molecular or functional analyses. In the past decade, the development of a number of stable photoconvertible, photoactivatable, or photoswitchable biological fluorophores and their integration into reporter strains has enabled the precise microanatomical labeling and tracking of cellular subsets in murine models.
Kaede, a photoconvertible fluorescent protein originating from a stony coral, undergoes irreversible photoconversion from green fluorescence to red fluorescence upon exposure to violet or ultraviolet light2. Initially employed to follow the dynamic behavior of individual cells in developing organotypic brain slices3, generation of a Kaede knock-in mouse subsequently allowed monitoring cellular movement in vivo, and the system was applied to analyses of immune cell migration to and from lymph nodes4. This approach was subsequently refined with a second-generation reporter5. A similar reporter is Dendra6, which was recently used to track lymph node metastases in vivo7.
The first photoactivatable protein developed was a green fluorescent protein (GFP) engineered with a single point mutation (T203H), leading to a very low absorbance in the wavelength region from 450 to 550 nm8. After photoactivation by violet light, this photoactivatable green fluorescent protein (PA-GFP) switches its absorption maximum from ~400 to ~500 nm, yielding an approximate 100-fold intensity increase when excited with a wavelength of 488 nm. The generation of transgenic mice in which all hematopoietic cells express PA-GFP allowed, for the first time, in-depth analyses of B cell selection in anatomically defined light and dark zones of the germinal center9.
Whereas photoactivation is an irreversible conversion from a non-fluorescent state to a fluorescent state, and photoconversion is a one-way transition from one wavelength to another, photoswitchable proteins are able to shuttle between both conditions10. This latter capacity was recently harnessed to engineer optical control of protein activity11.
Utilizing the PA-GFP reporter, we recently characterized the B cell repertoires of single germinal centers in a novel model of spontaneous lupus-like autoimmunity12. This model is based on mixed chimeras with 1 part bone marrow harboring an autoreactive B cell receptor knock-in with specificity for ribonuclear-protein complexes (564Igi13,14) combined with 2 parts bone marrow from any desired donor. At approximately 6 weeks post reconstitution, homeostatic conditions are achieved in which spontaneous autoreactive germinal centers are present in the spleen and the cutaneous lymph nodes. Notably, the germinal center B cell population is almost exclusively (~95%) composed of cells derived from the non-564Igi compartment, and these wild-type-derived B cells have become autoreactive. Therefore, the model allows a ‘plug-and-play’ approach to analyses of autoreactive germinal center B cells using various transgenes, knock-outs and reporters. Here, we describe the procedure for generating mixed chimeras with spontaneous autoreactive germinal centers populated by lymphocytes carrying the PA-GFP reporter. Using in vivo labeling strategies, single germinal centers can be visualized in explanted lymphoid tissues and their cellular constituents photoactivated using a two-photon microscope. Photoactivated lymphocytes from single germinal centers can subsequently be analyzed by flow cytometry or sorted by fluorochrome-activated cell sorting (FACS) and subjected to additional downstream molecular and functional analyses. The ability to analyze autoreactive lymphocytes from single germinal centers may directly be applied to provide renewed insights in the field of autoimmunity, but the techniques and approaches described may additionally find relevant applications in studies of infectious diseases and tumor metastases.
All animal use conformed to the European Community guidelines and was approved by the Danish Animal Research Inspectorate (2017-15-0201-01348).
1. General mouse husbandry and preparation of buffers and tools
2. Establishment of mixed bone marrow chimeras
3. Checking successful reconstitution and verifying appropriate degree of chimerism (Week 6)
4. In vivo labeling of the marginal zone/subcapsular sinus to aid identification of single germinal centers
NOTE: The present protocol is demonstrated for footpad/hock (popliteal lymph node) and intravenous (i.v., spleen) injections, but can be varied according to target site.
5. Explanting spleen and lymph nodes and preparing for photoactivation
6. Photoactivation
7. Recovery and analysis of photoactivated cells
Generation of mixed bone marrow chimeras
The present protocol robustly achieves mixed bone marrow chimeras with a near-complete chimerism in the B cell compartment as shown in the representative result in Figure 1 (for statistical significance please refer to 12). The serotyping reveals normalized B cell numbers at 6 weeks post reconstitution (Figure 1A), with a low frequency of 9D11 (idiotype) positive circulating B cells deriving from the 564Igi compartment (Figure 1B). Within the total lymphocyte gate, there is a low frequency of residual recipient-derived cells, ~6% CD45.1 (Q1), indicating an overall degree of chimerism of ~94% (Figure 1C). Within the donor compartment (CD45.1-, Q4+Q3) the ratio of 564Igi (Q4) to PA-GFP (Q3) is around 23% to 77%. This slightly lower than input 33% to 66% ratio is explained by the heavy negative selection of B cells derived from the 564Igi compartment 12. As seen in Figure 1D, there is virtually complete chimerism in the B cell compartment (99.9% CD45.1-) and dominance of PA-GFP bone marrow-derived B cells (Q3), which is a consequence of the heavy negative selection of 564Igi-derived B cells.
Harvest of tissues, processing and flow cytometric evaluation
Figure 2 and Figure 3 demonstrate procedures for and results of explanting freshly isolated lymph nodes and spleen slices. Figure 4 presents a representative result for in vivo labeling and photoactivation of a single germinal center area in an explanted spleen slice. As can be seen (Figure 4A), the in vivo labeling with CD169-PE has robustly labeled the marginal zone (red, indicated by “MZ”). The second harmonics signal is apparent in collagen-containing structural elements and major vessels (blue), including the central arteriole of the periarteriolar lymphoid sheath (PALS). Highly autofluorescent, activated tingible-body macrophages are associated with germinal center activity (arrowheads). Taken together, the identification of the marginal zone, the PALS, and tingible-body macrophages, allows identification of a region of interest which likely contains a single germinal center. The region of interest is photoactivated as illustrated in Figure 4B. As demonstrated, photoactivation is microanatomically precise9, yielding a defined area of activation. The presented results additionally serve as confirmation of a high density of PA-GFP+ lymphocytes in the reconstituted chimeras and presence of spontaneous germinal centers. Downstream flow cytometric evaluation further confirms normalized B cell compartment numbers (Figure 5D), a spontaneous germinal center population (Figure 5E), and the presence of a subset of germinal center B cells which have been photoactivated (Figure 5F).
Thus, the present protocol presents a robust method for generation of mixed bone marrow chimeras with spontaneous autoreactive germinal centers, which are predominantly composed of wild-type derived B cells carrying a photoactivatable reporter. This in turn allows for downstream analyses of individual germinal centers (graphical overview in Figure 6).
Figure 1: Flow cytometric evaluation of degree of chimerism in blood of 564Igi (CD45.1-, PA-GFP-):PA-GFP (CD45.1-, PA-GFP+) mixed chimeras in lethally irradiated CD45.1 recipients (CD45.1+, PA-GFP-), 6 weeks post reconstitution. A) Plot showing gating of B220+ B cells, pre-gated on singlet lymphocytes. B) Subgate from plot A, showing 9D11+ (idiotype) frequency within the B cell population. C) Plot of PA-GFP versus CD45.1, pre-gated on singlet lymphocytes. D) Plot of PA-GFP versus CD45.1 in the B cell subgate from plot A. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Procedure for harvesting and mounting popliteal lymph nodes for imaging and photoactivation. A) An incision is made below the knee and extended up to the hip joint, and the edges are retracted to the sides, in order to expose the popliteal fossa (arrowhead). B) The overlying fatpad is opened and the popliteal lymph node is exposed (arrowhead). C) The popliteal lymph node is retrieved from the fossa. D) The procedure is repeated for the contralateral side and both nodes are mounted in a double-sided coverslip/vacuum-grease chamber filled with BM buffer. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Procedure for harvesting and mounting the spleen for imaging and photoactivation. A) An incision is made at the anterior medial line just below the ribcage and extended around the body to the posterior axillary line, and the edges are retracted to expose the tip of the spleen (arrowhead). B) The spleen is retracted and excised, and cut into thin (1-2 mm) slices, which are mounted in a double-sided coverslip/vacuum-grease chamber filled with BM buffer. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: Photoactivation. A) Two-photon micrograph of a germinal center in the spleen before photoactivation. In vivo labeling with anti-CD169-PE was performed before harvest of the spleen to label the marginal zone (red, indicated by “MZ”). The second harmonics signal is apparent in collagen-containing structures associated with the integument and major vessels (blue). Arrowheads identify highly autofluorescent, activated tingible-body macrophages associated with germinal center activity. Imaging was performed at 940 nm excitation. The scale bar in the top left-hand corner indicates 200 µm. B) As for A, but after photoactivation at 830 nm. Photoactivated cells are now visible (green) in a defined region of interest bounded by the marginal zone and encompassing the previously identified tingible-body macrophages. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 5: Flow cytometric analysis of photoactivated germinal center B cells. A) Plot of forward versus side scatter and lymphocyte gate. B) Plot of forward scatter area as a function of forward scatter height within the lymphocyte gate, and resulting singlet gate. C) Viability dye exclusion plot within the singlet gate, and resulting live cell gate. D) Gating of B220+ B cells. E) Gating of germinal center B cells, identified as CD38lo GL7hi cells within the B220+ gate. F) Gating of photoactivated cells within the GC B cell population, identified as the subset of cells co-expressing non-activated and photoactivated PA-GFP. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 6: Graphical overview of the protocol. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
A large number of murine models of autoimmunity are available, many of which present with spontaneous germinal centers16. However, many of the available models harbor complex genetic backgrounds or mutations in central regulators of lymphocyte proliferation or activation, rendering them poorly suited to intercrossing with reporter lines and studies of normal lymphocyte behavior in autoimmunity, respectively. The present model, on the contrary, allows a ‘plug-and-play’ approach to in-depth analyses of autoreactive wild-type-derived germinal center B cells using any desired combination of transgenes, knock-outs and reporters, in the present case represented by photoactivatable GFP. Using in vivo labeling strategies, single germinal centers can be visualized in explanted lymphoid tissues and their cellular constituents photoactivated using a two-photon microscope. Photoactivated lymphocytes from single germinal centers can then be analyzed or sorted flow cytometrically, as single cells or in bulk. These cells may subsequently be subjected to additional downstream molecular and functional analyses to provide renewed insights in the field of autoimmunity.
There are some critical steps for successful performance of this procedure. As demonstrated by the representative results, the irradiation (1,100 Rad) and donor bone marrow reconstitution successfully replace the recipient bone marrow compartment yielding near-complete chimerism in the B cell compartment. This is an important point, as residual recipient-derived B cells would render a subset of the germinal center population ‘dark’. Regardless of the source used for irradiation, the dose/timing of irradiation has to be optimized to yield maximal myeloablative effect with minimal collateral tissue damage to the animals. For reconstitution, the bone-crush protocol and reconstitution with 20 million total donor cells has been found to robustly yield high reconstitution degrees. Working sterile and cold/on ice for the bone marrow extraction ensures high viability of the donor marrow. To reach the desired donor bone marrow ratios, it is essential to exercise great care when counting aliquots of the cells, both for the counting itself and when taking out the subsample of the bone marrow for counting. Mixing and co-pelleting the donor marrows, instead of centrifuging and resuspending separately and then mixing, serves to prevent any skew in donor ratios following the cell counting.
The mixed bone marrow chimera generation of the protocol can stand alone, and it enables generation of chimeras with autoreactive germinal centers with any desired reporter, transgene or knock-out. However, one limitation to this is the need to use histocompatible donors. The 564Igi strain is on a C57Bl/6J congenic background, and as a consequence, the other donor(s) and the recipients should have an H-2b congenic background (or alternatively, the 564Igi strain should be backcrossed to the desired strain and the autoimmune phenotype verified on the new background). The irradiation procedure tends to favor a tolerogenic environment17, and mismatches in some minor histocompatibility antigens may be tolerated. However, this aspect should be thoroughly considered, particularly if mixing male and female donors and/or recipients, due to the potential for female reactivity with male-restricted Y-antigens.
Similarly, the photoactivation aspect of the protocol can stand alone, and may be used in many different contexts. However, the PA-GFP reporter is currently only available with the UBC promotor, which is active in all hematopoietic lineage cells, but not in stromal cells. As mentioned in the Introduction, other photoactivatable, photoswitchable, or photoconvertible reporter strains are available, and may be substituted for PA-GFP, with appropriate adjustment of experimental conditions.
It is important to avoid inadvertent photoactivation of undesirable areas, by maintaining the laser well above 900 nm when imaging, as this wavelength will not photoactivate PA-GFP. For the photoactivation itself, specific settings, such as laser power and pixel dwell time, will depend on the depth in the tissue, the specific tissue used, and the imaging system, and each application has to be optimized for the specific imaging system used. Care should be taken not to photodamage the cells, but it is at the same time essential to get efficient photoactivation throughout the stack, in order to get a sufficient representation of activated cells for downstream analyses. Germinal center B cells generally constitute anywhere from 0.5% to ~2% of splenic or cutaneous lymph node B cells, and as can be seen from the representative results (Figure 5), photoactivated single germinal center B cells may make up ~1% of the total population present in a single spleen slice. Therefore, successful analysis or sorting of a significant number of cells requires processing a large number of events.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
SE Degn is a Lundbeckfonden Fellow and a Carlsberg Foundation Distinguished Fellow. This work was in part additionally supported by an NNF Biomedical Grant (SE Degn).
Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
Antibody, 9D11-A568 | In-house generated | 9D11 hybridoma, kindly provided by MC Carroll, labeled with kit: Biotium 92255 | |
Antibody, 9D11-A647 | In-house generated | 9D11 hybridoma, kindly provided by MC Carroll, labeled with kit: Nordic Biosite ABD-1031 | |
Antibody, FITC anti-mouse CD45.1 | Biolegend | 110705 | |
Antibody, Pacific Blue anti-mouse/human GL7 Antigen (T and B cell Activation Marker) | Biolegend | 144613 | |
Antibody, PE anti-mouse CD169 (Siglec-1) | Biolegend | 142403 | |
Antibody, PE/Cy7 anti-mouse CD38 | Biolegend | 102717 | |
Antibody, PerCP/Cy5.5 anti-mouse/human CD45R/B220 | Biolegend | 103235 | |
Capillary tube, Mylar-wrapped, heparinized | Fisher Scientific | 211766 | |
Cell strainer, 70 µm | Falcon | 352350 | |
Conical tubes, 50 mL | Falcon | 352235 | |
Cover slip, square, 22x22 mm, 0.13-0.17 mm | Thermo Fisher Scientific | 22X22-1 | |
EDTA | Merck | 1,084,180,250 | |
Ethanol, 70% | VWR | 8301.360 | |
Fetal bovine serum | Life Technologies | 10270106 | |
Flow cytometer, FACS Canto II | BD Biosciences | 338962 | |
Flow cytometer, LSRFortessa SORP | BD Biosciences | - | Special order product with 4 lasers (405 nm, 488 nm, 561 nm and 640 nm) |
Grease, high vacuum, Dow Corning | VWR | DOWC1597418 | |
Hemocytometer, Burker-Türk | VWR | 630-1544 | |
Isoflurane, IsoFlo vet. | Orion Pharma | 9658 | |
Lymphocyte separation medium (Lympholyte-M Cell Separation Media) | Cedarlane | CL5035 | |
Microcentrifuge tube, 1.5 mL (Eppendorf) | Sarstedt | 72.690.550 | |
Microscope, Two-photon | Prairie Technologies (now Bruker) | - | Special order Ultima In Vivo Two Photon Microscope |
Mortar w. lip, unglazed, 75 ml | VWR | 410-0110 | |
NaHCO3 | Merck | 1063290500 | |
Needle, 18 gauge | BD Medical | 304622 | |
NH4Cl | VWR | 87,769,290 | |
PBS | Sigma | d8537 | |
Pestle homogenizer | VWR | 47747-358 | |
Pestle, unglazed, 175 mm | VWR | 410-0122 | |
Pipette, Serological, 10 ml | VWR | 612-3700 | |
Pipette, transfer, plastic | Sarstedt | 861,172,001 | |
Plastic paraffin film (Parafilm M) | Bemis | PM996 | |
Plate, 96-well | Falcon | 353910 | |
Surgical forceps, Student Dumont #5 Forceps | FST - Fine Science Tools | 91150-20 | |
Surgical forceps, Student Dumont #7 Forceps | FST - Fine Science Tools | 91197-00 | |
Surgical scissors, Student Fine Scissors, Straight | FST - Fine Science Tools | 91460-11 | |
Syringe, 10 mL | Terumo | SS-10ES1 | |
Syringe, 20 mL | Terumo | SS-20ES1 | |
Syringe, 5 mL | Terumo | SS-05S1 | |
Syringe, Insulin, 0.3 cc | BD Medical | 324827 | |
Tribrissen vet. 24% inj., containing 200 mg sulfadiazin and 40 mg trimethoprim/ml | MSD Animal health | 431577 | |
Trypan blue solution, 0.4% | VWR | K940-100ML | |
Viability dye, eBioscience Fixable Viability Dye eFluor 780 | Thermo Fisher Scientific | 65-0865-14 |
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